Anti-Toilet Alliance: The Great Hope and Despair - Chapter 24 - 1101Debts (2024)

Chapter Text

Skibidi Toilet Cult Arc: Reimu's Group

Chapter 24: The Vanity of Kenneth Copeland


The countless tales of the rise of the American Empire were long heralded for their raw patriotism and their symbolism of courage, determination and rebellious f*ckrage which was born in the hearts of all of the American populace... until it wasn't.

Because then... a giant sh*t-storm hit the world, a storm of sh*t crashed upon the world and caused every fiction to have been raptured to the very planet we call earth, f*cking over everyone who previously had super-powers, status or main character plot armors.

Nobody knew why the rapture had occured, but the great event had soon led to the creation of the Skibidi Toilet and very soon after, the Skibidi-Pocalypse which led to the end of civilization as we know it...

Now Reimu and the rest of the New England Patriots are on the prowl in order to take down the first of the many evils who came with the Skibidi-Pocalypse... the first being the baleful motherf*cking pastor known none other than Kenneth Copeland who had abandoned the word of GOD in favor of worshipping their new overlords, the Skibidi Toilets and following the death of Joel Osteen, previously known as the f*ckmeister... Kenneth Copeland became the sole leader of the Skibidi Toilet Cult which plagued the south-east part of the United States of America.

Kenneth Copeland lets out a sh*t-eating grin as he relished in the crying screams of Joel Osteen, the once renowned f*ckmeister himself had been brutally betrayed by the Elites of society, The Illuminati.

"I'm sorry son, but we don't allow for the betrayal of The Illuminati... so we gonna have to off' ya son... hey, life ain't fair son." Spoke Kenneth Copeland as his mouth curled into a sh*t-eating grin which revelled in the deep sad*stic agony he was about to inflict upon Joel Osteen, "Should've known your place and we wouldn't have this problem sonny boy... but we know you ain't up to task, you got yer' ass handed to you by those patriot scum... an' we know you ain't capable of keepin' yer mouth shut kiddo... we gonna have to off' ya."

Kenneth Copeland puts his phone away and gestures at other members of the elite, an unhinged clown was busy playing with his food... he grabbed his fork and began stabbing his meat violently as he cackled.

"What a great showing Mr. Copeland, it makes me want to f*ck one of the millions of roid-injected chickens my company owns!" Spoke the voice of none other than Ronald McDonald, he carried himself with the elegance of the Joker... in other words, he was f*cking unhinged, "What is the fat and meat content of Joel Osteen?"

"I don't know the exact quality or quantity of meat on Joel Osteen... but what I do know is thatFifteen minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance"

The Crazy clown, Ronald McDonald grabbed his fork and pinned the GEICO lizard against the wall with elfin fervor, he yelled at the lizard angrily... "Say that sh*t one more time and I'll make sure your tiny-ass gets baked in one of my favorite and most juicy burgers."

Of course, nobody wants to know what the burgers of Ronald McDonald are made of... because it wasn't a veryappealingprocess.

Amongst the elites present at the table was Kenneth Copeland, Ronald McDonald, the GEICO Lizard, Pepsiman, Tom Cruise and a mysterious caped man known only asThe Master.

"Mr. Copeland... you are needed to take care of a pesky group of survivors at Charleston... make your way there pronto or we'll have Ol' Ronald make a burger out of your flesh"

The voice of the G-Man toilet could be heard through the large TV in the war-room of the elites, they were currently missing Masayoshi Shido who was busy campaigning somewhere in Los Angeles... while the G-man toilet was too damn big to fit in the tiny-ass war-room... so he was busy speaking from the bunker located in Minute Maid Park in Houston, Texas.

Reimu was stuffed to the brim after finishing two perfectly done steaks which had been gifted to them from the now brutalized corpse of the f*ckmeister that was once Joel Osteen... his body exploded into millions of pieces of blood and gore, his intestines spilling out across the room and his Greater Omentum splattered across the wicked dance floor which continued to shift colors and the music continuing to blare across the room even as the room was filled with corpses of Skibidi Toilet Cultists and Skibidi Toilets alike, though those Skibidi Toilets were improved with their porcelain bowls armed with pink glitter and their rims filled with flashing lights, but they were otherwise average and the same as any other Skibidi Toilet... while the cultists had their black bandanas utterly destroyed and incinerated by the New England Patriots group... their bodies halved and their skulls split asunder by Reimu Hakurei and her ultimate weapon they calledT̷̷H̷̷E̷ ̷S̷̷K̷̷U̷̷L̷̷L̷̷F̷̷U̷̷C̷̷K̷̷E̷̷R̷...but it was the vast majority of these tumultuous f*ckwraiths that had been killed by the wicked spin attack performed by none other than the two former school idols themselves, Ruby Kurosawa and Dia Kurosawa who's spin attack had rained a f*ckstorm of bullets which reminded them of the Blade Maelstrom from the Bloons Tower Defense series... this maelstrom of bullets and raw unadulterated f*ckrage had murdered the sh*t out of everyone in the room except for the New England Patriots and Joel Osteen who later succumbed to a bomb which had been planted inside of his small intestines which had wrapped around it... exploding the absolute f*ck out of his body at the hands of none other than his fellow pastor, Kenneth Copeland... their future target who was the leader of the Skibidi Toilet Cult in none other than Charleston, South Carolina.

"Gawd Damn... no matter how you look at it, that sh*t looks gnarly as f*ck..." Dia Kurosawa spat out as she looked at the exploded corpse of Joel Osteen who now rested amongst the wall of the Auditorium, once filled with booming dance music and dancing cultists... now filled with corpses and dead bodies, but the dance music still continued to blast without any stopping... a continuous loop of Ear-Rape and death.

"f*cking hell, it looks like utter dogsh*t... can't believe that motherf*cker got blown up" Sanae's colon churned in disgust as she saw the splattered organs and the exposed greater Omentum of Joel Osteen, his eyes lifelessly looking at the ceiling... having begged for his life prior to being blown up by none other than Kenneth Copeland, that Televangelist piece of sh*t.

As the Patriots surveyed the grisly aftermath of their battle with Joel Osteen and his Skibidi Toilet cultists, the scene was a morbid tableau of destruction and cosmic death. Reimu wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, feeling a mix of satisfaction from the meal and lingering revulsion at the sight before them... she felt her spastic colon churning in disgust.

"Damn straight... ain't nothin' pretty 'bout that sh*t, now I'm gonna be smoking that Joel Osteen pack..." Mokou muttered, her tone grim as she glanced over the carnage of blood and metal... Kaguya nodded in agreement, her expression a mixture of weariness and sad*stic delight.

"Blood, steaks and metal... nothing more American than this sh*t right here folks."

Reimu stood up from the table, her gaze lingering on the ruined dance floor now littered with corpses. "We've got more work to do, this ain't nothin' time to kill Tricky Dicky" she said, her voice low but resolute. "Copeland's next."

The Patriots nodded in unison, their resolve hardened by the sight of Joel Osteen's demise. "Let's make 'em pay, f*ckin' bastard betrayed the word of God...!" Sanae growled, her eyes narrowing with determination and holy righteous f*ck-rage.

The path ahead of them would be filled with hundreds of millions of f*ck-wraiths and bullsh*ts that would be flung their way from cultists, Skibidi Toilets and all other sorts of unspeakable f*cking pieces of sh*t which would be summoned from the anus of hell and the gates of the Skibidi Toilet production centers and certainly enough, they would have to head to the city of Charleston, South Carolina in order to defeat the f*ck-wraith that was Kenneth Copeland... that motherf*cking piece of sh*t which had dared to betray his own comrade, Mr. Joel Osteen in cold blood.

"Still find it crazy that Osteen got f*cking epstein'd... w-why would Kenneth Copeland do such an awful thing such as murder?" Ruby spoke naively, Mokou gave her a harsh rant about the reality of life... life ain't rainbows n' sh*t.

"Listen here kiddo, Mr. Kenneth Copeland ain't like you... you're a sweet little angel who always thinks about the best of others, but Copeland? He couldn't give a rat's ass about what happens to you or others... he's a connected son of a bitch, the type of motherf*cker who could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get away with it" Mokou spoke bitterly.

"People like Copeland, they ain't playin' by the rules. They'll do whatever it takes to stay on top, even if it means offin' their own comrades, It's all about power and control. Copeland saw Osteen as a threat, so he took him out before he could spill any secrets. That's how these bastards operate"

Mokou stroked her rifle and pointed it up her f*cking asshole, she spoke bitterly,"You give these motherf*ckers an opening... and Mr. Copeland will find a way to shove a cactus up your f*cking asshole! He doesn't give a sh*t about anything but stayin' up top."

Sanae nodded alongside Mokou and continued, she places her hand on Ruby's shoulder and continued what Mokou started..."Mr. Kenneth Copeland thought about the possibility of Joel Osteen potentially betraying whoever he's connected with... so he offed him, it's as you said... he got f*cking Epstein'd."

Reimu chuckled at the thought, these motherf*ckers were so obviously connected that it was hilarious... could this sh*t be any more obvious?

"f*ckin' puss*es, we're gonna shred them all... we will f*cking murder everyone who is affiliated with the Skibidi Toilets... blood, metal and f*ckrage included!" Reimu shouted as she thrusted her hips eagerly in a pelvic thrust that mimicked the rumping and thumping moves of a p*rn star.

Reimu's declaration was met with resounding agreement from her brethren, their faces set with determination and their weapons at the ready, eager and rarin' to cut into the flesh of any unholy specimens of f*ck, their Star-Spangled f*ck-rage burning through their elfonic souls of raging patriotism.

"You heard her, folks.. we not stopping until we've wiped out every last one of these Skibidi Toilet-loving bastards, I'll personally make sure to weld their assholes shut and contsruct one on their faces." Mokou added, her tone resolute as she gripped her rifle tightly and began stroking it gently, her loins pulsating wildly with excitement and sad*stic glee.

Sanae's expression hardened as she scanned the auditorium which was now swathed with the organs and flesh of Joel Osteen, making what appeared to be a bloody version of a Jackson Pollock Painting, "No mercy for those who stand in our way. Copeland and his dick-tugginggoonersare gonna get a taste of our f*ckrage, f*ck'em!" she declared, her voice echoing with conviction and borderline schizophrenic patriotism.


The voice of the LA Knight appeared through the PARA-RAID device on Reimu's ear, he spoke with a slight drunken slur as he spoke through the device on the ears of the New England Patriots.

"Are you guys done eating n' sh*t? I've got to take a f*cking sh*t back in the penthouse and it's uncomfortable as sh*t being on the Laptop all f*cking day when i've got sh*t-stains on my f*cking pants!"

The LA Knight roared angrily through the PARA-RAID device, urging Reimu to hurry her f*cking ass up... Reimu explains that Ruby was still eating mashed potatoes and lobster Mac & Cheese.

Reimu chuckled at the impatience of the LA Knight, shaking her head at his colorful commentary which screamed of angry f*ckrage which seeped out of his pores like blood and vinegar. She keyed her response into the PARA-RAID device, ensuring everyone could hear his desperation to take a sh*t.

"Alright, LA Knight, calm your fuggin' tit*. Ruby's still working on those mashed potatoes and lobster Mac & Cheese, we'll wrap up here and head out soon once Ruby and Mokou finish eating their fill" Reimu replied, her voice carrying a hint of amusem*nt. "Just hold on to your sh*t-stained pants for a bit longer, we're almost done homie~"

Ruby glanced up from her plate, her cheeks slightly flushed from her indulgence after devouring all of her meat and mashed potatoes "Almost done! Just a few more bites and we're through!" she called out cheerfully.

Dia rolled her eyes playfully at her sister's enthusiasm for the fine foods served from Joel Osteen, the now dead f*ckmeister. "Come on, Ruby... we've got assholes to kick in Charleston, we can't give them any time to muck sh*t up" she teased, though there was an underlying sense of urgency in her tone as her loins pulsed with fervor.

As the New England Patriots finished their meal and prepared to depart, the LA Knight's impatient rant served as a reminder of the pressing task ahead of them... They couldn't afford to linger for long, not with Kenneth Copeland and his Skibidi Toilet cultists looming on the horizon and murdering people at unprecedented rates.

Reimu signaled to the group that it was time to move the f*ck out. "Alright, let's wrap this sh*t up. Time to pay a visit to Kenneth Copeland and show him what the New England Patriots are made of, we ain't gonna let that f*cker live" she declared, her eyes glinting with determination and fervorous f*ckrage which caused her loins to pulsate and her mouth to breath hot fire.

With their bellies full and their resolve hardened, the New England Patriots readied themselves for the next phase of their mission—to confront Kenneth Copeland and put an end to the Skibidi Toilet cult that plagued the cities of Atlanta and Georgia respectively... such intensive bullsh*t shouldn't be allowed to exist, f*cking pieces of f*cking f*ck assholes.

Mokou finished her mashed potatoes and patted her belly eagerly, the former ghetto chick had greatly enjoyed this meal of butter and fat... it hit the damn spot and caused Mokou to moan in pleasure from the intensive pleasure of the meat which f*cked her tastebuds senseless.

As the New England Patriots finished their meal and prepared to face Kenneth Copeland, Mokou's satisfied moan drew a few chuckles from the group. Reimu grinned, her eyes sparkling with amusem*nt at seeing someone moan over food.

"Alright, Mokou, save some of that energy for our encounter with Kenneth Copeland. We're gonna need that f*ckrage of yours, feel free to rub one out once we finish spilling his organs over the floor" Reimu teased, her tone light but serious and filled with intensive f*ckrage and eager blood-lust "Let's make sure this mission counts. No more bullsh*t from these cult assholes... theCleansemust continue."

Kaguya adjusted her gear and fine-tuned it to her liking, her expression focused on the future task which loomed before them "We'll show Kenneth Copeland what happens when he messes with the New England Patriots, time to slay his piece of sh*t army full ofgooners and coomers" she said firmly, her voice carrying the weight of their mission and her resolve to rock the f*ck out and slay the legion of f*ck.

"By the time we slay those pieces of f*ck, perhaps LA Knight will give us some advice on what the actual f*ck is the plan of these pieces of f*ck, perhaps we can get Copeland to spill the f*cking beans... though I assume that f*ckface will probably get Epstein'd just like Joel Osteen did... f*cking cowardly bitches" Ranted Sanae, her nipples hardening as her arousal for blood-lust grew and expanded rapidly, spreading through her bloodstream and filling her with an even higher plane of intensive f*ck-rage, "Because f*ck me... I want to get back to watching sports and watching Sam Darnold kick everyone's ass in the NFL, f*ck this apocalypse bullsh*t."

"Yeah f*ck this hououin bullsh*t, I just wanna get back on reddit and playing video games n' sh*t, but guess not..." Kaguya spoke bitterly as she stroked her gun like one would to a co*ck, "It's all horsesh*t and I wish to return back to my previous lifestyle."

"Quit whinin' you f*cking babies, not even Ruby is whining n' sh*t... quit that whiny weak away from us, we're the New England Patriots... not the New England Whiners" Reimu barked back, pressing her loaded gun against Kaguya's cheek for threatening to satisfy her sexual urges at this moment.

"We'll let you rub one out after we slay the Charleston Cult of Skibidi, I'm a simple woman... I like food, blood and heavy metal... I ain't into this new corporate pop sh*t" Reimu responded, earning the respect from Mokou.

"Das right, pop sucks bawls... I'd rather listen to hardcore gang sh*t and soon enough, we gonna be smoking that Copeland Pack"

Fujiwara No Mokou responded to Reimu's words as she thought back to the ghettos, listening to all sorts of hardcore sh*t such as rap, death metal, hellish screams and the sick beats of Axel F.

Recommended Listening: Batman Begins theme

"Uhm guys... I-I'm ready... lets go..."

Ruby responded shyly as she finished her meal, Mokou quickly followed after Ruby Kurosawa and tossed the white plate against the wall with such velocity that it broke the sound barrier and promptly shattered in half...

"Haha... let's go, time have some fun and rub one off... nothing more fun than slaying Skibidi f*ckwits and splattering their corpses over our loins and titillating tit*" Mokou chuckled sad*stically as Reimu took her sights towards the doors leading out of the auditorium... but before she did...


"Finally got to turn that bullsh*t ear-raping sound off, can't believe I didn't think of doing that sh*t earlier..."

The music was unimaginably awful and filled with the ear-raping qualities which blended the harmonious dying squeals of electronic goats while also combining the ear-piercing sound of nails being dragged against an electro-infused chalkboard and somehow, Joel Osteen loved that super-sonic, ear-raping, music defiling bullsh*t that had been blasted across the auditorium and only now did the Reimu Hakurei finally turn that awful piece of sh*t off with the power of guns... but for good measure, she stabbed the stereo withT̷̷H̷̷E̷ ̷S̷̷K̷̷U̷̷L̷̷L̷̷F̷̷U̷̷C̷̷K̷̷E̷̷R̷over and over again repeatedly... she was taking out her anger on this sorry excuse of equipment, murdering the f*ck out of it and tossing its corpse into the wall just like the white plate, splitting it in half and leading to a miniature explosion which further bloodified the corpse of the former f*ckmeister that was once Joel Osteen.

As the New England Patriots burst through the doors of the Lakewood Church, the grim aftermath of their battle with Joel Osteen's followers greeted them with silent horror as the once grand halls of the Lakewood church were now desolate, littered with the remains of dirty X-nauts, cultists and Skibidi Toilets who had been shattered into millions of pieces with blood and gore, their bodies twisted and broken in grotesque poses and their guts and innards spilling out like spaghetti.

Bloodstains marked the walls and floors with vicious streaks of red, serving as grim reminders of the fierce struggle that had taken place and all of the murder that Reimu and the rest of the New England Patriots had committed upon these fools, the air was heavy with the metallic scent of blood and the lingering aura of violence and raw unadulterated f*ckrage and f*ck-fury which consumed them all, but it would not engulf their souls.

Reimu Hakurei and her companions surveyed the scene with hardened resolve and eternal f*ckrage. This was the price of their mission—to confront and destroy those who sought to spread chaos and deception in the name of the Skibidi Toilet cult... f*ckwraiths who deserved to be cleansed and wiped the f*ck out with all piss and vinegar.

"Keep moving,"Reimu commanded, her voice cutting through the somber silence."We're not done yet. Kenneth Copeland is next."

The New England Patriots moved forward, their footsteps echoing in the empty halls filled with death and raw f*ck-rage. Each of them carried the weight of the battle they had just faced after the fall of Joel Osteen, but their determination to stop Copeland and dismantle the cult burned brighter than ever... they sought only to destroy this bullsh*t and blasphemy which had tainted the nation of the United States of America.

As they ventured out of the Lakewood church of Joel Osteen, the sky outside was tinted with the hues of dusk, casting an eerie glow over the world and the nation that they had been raptured to. The city of Atlanta sprawled before them, its streets loud and chaotic... filled with the bloody stench of death that lingered across the grand city and as they made it to the front of the Church entrance, Reimu saw the glorious and harrowing sight of the flag of the United States of America... it flew above the fiery hellscape of Atlanta, Georgia... the flag riddled with bullet holes yet still flying above the chaotic f*ck-scene.

The sight of the United States flag, scarred by the ravages of battle and chaos yet steadfast in its presence stirred something deep within the souls of these American Patriots, swathed in their lust for American Patriotism... the New England Patriots.

It was a symbol of the nation they sought to protect—a nation tainted by the unprecidented and unholy pieces of sh*t that called themselves the Skibidi Toilets. those motherf*cking pieces of porcelain bullsh*t had brought their anarcho-communist ideals and their ideology and worship was spreading like wildfire, it was like a metastatic brain cancer which had spread to the brain and tainted the entire human body and in this case, it was the Nation of the United States of America.. whose ideology of freedom and f*ck-fury was being tainted and beaten down by Skibidi Toilets, Reimu wondered if they were a communist plant... but they had spread everywhere and the trenches of Communism were now spreading everywhere in the United States, the cities of Atlanta, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina were bastions of communism which must be rooted out before more communism can spread through America like it did to Jacksonville under the rule of the parasite-riddled brain of the late SpongeBob SquarePants.

"Look at that United States flag," Reimu muttered as she pointed at the American flag which flew in the distance, her voice carrying a mixture of determination and grim contemplation at this holy sight that marked the spirit of the United States of America, "It's been through hell, just like us. But it's still standing and we owe it to this nation to rid it of these communist bastards which plague this great nation, that flag has endured hell and back, dating back to the American Revolution!"

Her companions nodded solemnly, their eyes fixed on the distant horizon where Charleston, South Carolina awaited them, yet another battleground in their fight against the Skibidi Toilets, the second leg of the Skibidi Toilet Cult which had plagued the Bible Belt of the Southeast, the ultra religious had been swayed and manipulated to worship the Skibidi Toilet above the word of the lord or any other religion they followed or perhaps they were all manipulated or brainwashed... nobody knew the answer to that beyond the f*ck-heads that Kenneth Copeland was associated with and Kenneth Copeland himself, that unyielding piece of f*ck who had enough power to even call a hit on Joel Osteen of all people, the so-called f*ckmeister who had ruled Atlanta, Georgia.

"We'll make those Skibidi Toilets regret the day they set foot on American soil, I ain't getting my ass shot by thugs an' f*ckin' crackas to lose to a bunch of Skibidi Toilets..." Mokou growled angrily, her grip tightening on her weapon. "No more bullsh*t. No more lies. We'll show them what realAMERICAN f*ckRAGElooks like."

Mokou spoke with a voice that could only be summed up as elfin f*ckrage, she hated Skibidi Toilets and their followers and desired nothing more than the destruction of everything Skibidi, either human or toilet.

The New England Patriots exchanged glances, their expressions hardened with resolve to eliminate, terminate, genocide, cleanse and erase all traces of Skibidi Toilet f*ckery. They knew the road ahead would be treacherous and horrific, but they were prepared to face whatever challenges awaited them... and their third hit was going to be on Kenneth Copeland, have that f*cker spill the beans and explain the f*ckery going on in this situation, to explain what the f*cking plan was regarding the bullsh*t that was the Skibidi-Pocalypse which had struck America so damn quickly, that it had brought the nation to sh*t and the looming threat of Kenneth Copeland and whoever he was affliated with was much too severe for them to ignore.

With the stars and stripes as their guiding beacon, the New England Patriots embarked on their journey of death and heavy metal, they begun their trek towards Charleston with the weight of their nation's hopes resting upon their shoulders. It was a battle they couldn't afford to lose... it really was the Anti-Toilet Alliance: The Great Hope and Despair.

As they ventured forth into the chaotic streets of Atlanta, Georgia... Kaguya's loins pulsed as she dodged a bullet which whizzed past her head, she had the Kaguya Senses which were now tingling... she leapt into action and found the assailant, a cowardly and dirty X-Naut who was trying to snipe the New England Patriots from the window... f*cking camper, he deserves what's coming next.

"Get Rekt Son"

Kaguya spoke menacingly as she dug her hands into the throat of the X-Naut and ripped his spinal cord out violently, tossing the f*cking thing on the floor and shattering it into pieces.

"God-damn... coulnd't you have just shot the f*cker dead or somethin' ain't no reason to go so violent..." Dia spoke with slight revulsion, Kaguya punts the corpse of the now dead X-Naut across Atlanta, Georgia where it landed atop a tall building, getting speared by the great antenna of the Bank of America Plaza tower... skewering the f*ck out of it and leaving a grizzly symbol as to what Reimu and her comrades did to the cult which ran Atlanta, Georgia.

"Nah, he deserved it... f*ckin' rat bastard"Kaguya responded with a cruel smirk, observing the skewered corpse atop the tower... Reimu and Mokou gave Kaguya pats on the back for her efforts as she f*ckslayed the f*ck out of the f*cker.

"Nice work, Kaguya... skewered that f*ck like he came out of Fogo de Chao" Reimu remarked cunningly, her voice tinged with grim satisfaction and sardonic glee, "These scumbags need to learn what happens when they mess with the New England Patriots."

Mokou grinned devilishly, her eyes gleaming with mischief as her tit* hardened upder immense pressure, "That'll teach 'em to hide their f*ckin' asses, let em' weep and eat sh*t!"

With the threat neutralized by Kaguya Houraisan of The New England Patriots, they resumed their advance through the chaotic streets of Atlanta, Georgia. Every corner held dangers beyond their wildest imaginations, but they were undeterred and their loins were fueled by a righteous fury to cleanse the city of its Skibidi Toilet infestation and the obscene bullsh*t which was spreading through the city like a giant fart cloud, it was f*cking horrid and caused all of their spastic colons to churn in disgust rapidly and they all vomited steam which came in red, white and blue... the colors of AMERICA.

Reimu decapitates the corpse of a fallen X-Naut soldier as she located their vehicle which was located within the dense forest that surrounded the city of Atlanta, Georgia... the dense shrubbery had luckily kept Skibidi Toilets, X-Nauts, Cultists and other unspeakable pieces of sh*t from locating their vehicle which was left untouched from where they had previously embarked.

"Hah... would you look at that, those motherf*cking pieces of sh*t didn't even dare to find this f*cking thing..." Reimu boasted like a petulant f*ck-head, being the petulant f*ck-head that she usually was... Reimu then opens the doors and climbs into the drivers seat of the vehicle.

As Reimu settled into the driver's seat of their vehicle, the rest of the New England Patriots gathered around it. The vehicle, a rugged and sturdy Jeep Gladiator which was armed to the teeth with various weapons, ammunition and other things that they had stored inside of the Jeep Gladiator. it seemed to be their only refuge in the chaos of Atlanta's streets... the car was probably more relaxing than any of the places that the vast majority of f*ckwits and hobos stayed at, Sanae took shotgun position opposite of Reimu Hakurei, such was fitting of Sanae's position as the second-in-command to none other than Reimu Hakurei herself.

"Nice, looks like we kept this f*cking car secret eh? Good thing all of our enemies are special ed, it's almost conveninent it seems" Mokou chimed in, her gaze sweeping over the vehicle appreciatively as she thrusted her hips eagerly "Let's get out of this sh*thole and head towards Charleston. Copeland won't know what hit him... we gonna fling sh*t in his face and murder the f*ck outta him, then we gonna smoke that Copeland Pack."

Ruby nodded eagerly, her eyes alight with determination and amusem*nt at Mokou's proposal, "I'm ready to kick some more Skibidi Toilet ass! Charleston's waiting for us to bring the pain... we gonna throw a f*ckin' fiesta after we merc that motherf*cking piece of sh*t outta existence."

With a sense of relief and determination, Reimu settled into the driver's seat of their vehicle and was ready to lead her comrades out of the war-torn streets of Atlanta and into the sh*ttier city of Charleston. The interior of the vehicle provided a brief respite from the chaos outside, offering a moment of calm amidst the storm of violence and bloodshed which existed outside of the city.

As her comrades piled into the vehicle eagerly, Reimu started the engine and began to navigate their way through the dense forest surrounding the city which was once Atlanta, Georgia. The towering trees provided cover from prying eyes and hostile forces, allowing them to move undetected as they made their escape from the sh*tty city.

The engine roared to life, its powerful hum echoing through the forest as they sped away from the city of Atlanta, Georgia which was now disappearing in the distance. Reimu gripped the steering wheel with determination, and sardonic f*ck-fury, f*ck-rage and f*ck-powers as her eyes focused on the path ahead as she guided them towards their next destination: Charleston, South Carolina... home of the cult of Skibidi Toilet, one of the many bastions of Anarcho-Communism which had begun spreading through America... those motherf*cking toilet bastards had begun spreading their propaganda and ever since the death of SpongeBob SquarePants, Reimu had been skeptical of those pieces of utter baloney and bullsh*t.

For those motherf*cking pieces of sh*t to have parasitic forms which could infect its host to spread Anarcho-Communist ideals, who knows what those motherf*cking pieces of sh*t were planning... could Kenneth Copeland be a victim of parasitic Skibidi Toilets that forced him to worship them... or was he just an utter piece of f*cking dog-sh*t which was better off dead than alive.

"Everyone hold on tight, I don't want anyone having their head churned into pulp by the sheer f*ck=rocity of this bad-boy! f*ck YEAH!" Reimu called out over the roar of the engine. "We're getting the hell out of here and heading straight for Copeland's doorstep. No more bullsh*t, no more distractions. It's time to end this piece of sh*t cult once and for all and to liberate the f*cking Bible Belt from this Skibidi Toilet Religion."

Her words resonated with her comrades, it's time to fulfill their goal of the annihilation of the Skibidi Toilet across the United States of America and they had hopped from Jacksonville to Atlanta, next on the list was Charleston, South Carolina and when they finished with Copeland and that piece of sh*t cult... Reimu would consult the words of the LA Knight to dig-up more dirty sh*t that comes from the Skibidi Toilets after they had devastated the land of the United States of America.

With determination blazing in their eyes and the engine roaring beneath them, the New England Patriots hurtled through the forest towards their next target: Charleston, South Carolina. Reimu's resolve was unwavering as she steered the vehicle with purpose, her mind focused on the imminent confrontation with Kenneth Copeland and his Skibidi Toilet cult.

As they sped along the winding forest roads which led out from Atlanta, Georgia, the atmosphere inside the vehicle was tense yet charged with anticipated f*ckrage and eager blood-lust which pulsated in their thicc thighs.

"We're going to tear through that cult like a tornado through a trailer park, we'll splatter their blood across the f*ckin' ground and leave their corpses to feed the plants as fertilizer while f*cking the sh*t out of their cult with max penetration." Mokou declared, her eyes gleaming with a fiery f*ck-fury.

The voice of the LA Knight could be heard through the PARA-RAID device which was on their ears, Reimu tapped the device and heard the voice of the LA Knight through thedevice.

"Alright, now that i've finally taken care of that damn sh*t... I've provided you with the directions to Charleston... just a warnin' it's a whack-ass place, but I suppose it's fit for a whack-ass motherf*cker like you, Reimu"

The LA Knight spoke through the speaker as his voice crackled through, Reimu nodded and chuckled slightly at his joke... Reimu was a whack-ass motherf*cker and proud of it as well... she was an unhinged piece of sh*t.

Reimu grinned as she listened to the LA Knight's voice crackling through the PARA-RAID device. "Oh, you know me homie, always up for some whack-ass adventures and f*ckslaying because quite frankly, slaying filthy Skibidi Toilets turns me on more than any p*rn in the world" she replied with a chuckle. "Thanks for the directions, LA Knight. We'll make sure to bring back some souvenirs from Charleston... I dunno, like the severed head of a Skibidi Toilet or some sh*t like that."

The LA Knight's voice came through again, slightly distorted but still audible. "Just remember, Reimu, Charleston ain't your typical stroll in the park. Copeland's got his gooners and coomers lurking everywhere. Watch your back out there or one of those f*cks is gonna give you a sticky blast off an' trust me, if you get some of that sh*t in your eye, it's gonna f*ckin' BERN!"

"We'll be ready for whatever comes our way, nothing stands before a patriot and patriotism... not even the bastions of Skibidi Toilets and f*ck-wraiths" Reimu assured him with a chillax tone, her grip tightening on the steering wheel. "And hey, if things get too hairy... I'll just send Mokou to light up the whole damn city with bullets, I know she's fully willing to go ballistic f*ck-rage on those pieces of sh*t, she gets off on it... it's her kinda p*rn."

Mokou, was seated in the back and stroking her gun furiously, thinking of the penis that she never had in her life before... "You got it, Reimu... you know I'm a simple woman, I like to f*ck sh*t up... splitting assholes asunder with a rifle is nothing... I'll have them all meet the American Dream."

The LA Knight's voice crackled once more through the PARA-RAID device, sounding with the drunken slur that usually accompanied the LA Knight"Stay safe out there, Reimu Hakurei andnd remember, watch out for those Skibidi Toilets. Those f*ckers are more dangerous than they look... also make sure to be cautious around Kenneth Copeland and his army of Gooners and Coomers."

Reimu nodded, her expression serious and filled with elfonic f*ck-rage "Got it, LA Knight. We'll handle them like we handle everything else—head on and with maximum f*ckrage... I've handled sh*t like this before, ain't nothing an American-born patriot like me can't handle..."

With the LA Knight's warning in mind, the New England Patriots continued their journey towards Charleston, South Carolina... their determination unyielding and their spirits ablaze with the desire to put an end to the Skibidi Toilet cult once and for all. They were ready for whatever awaited them in the city ahead.

"Hey fa*ggot! keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle!" Reimu bellowed upon the trembling form of Ruby Kurosawa who shook nervously as she had begun sticking her arms out of the windows much to the chagrin of Reimu Hakurei, the American Patriot.

"I ain't wanna see any of that weak-sauce sh*t or I'm gonna splatter your brain across this god-damn car like something out of DOOM."

Reimu had no problems with blackmailing her own group, Ruby Kurosawa had no choice but to comply with the terrifying words of Reimu Hakurei who would surely murder the f*ck out of her like she had done to various Skibidi Toilets, Cultists, X-Nauts and a whole bunch of other unspeakable piles of f*ck which were defined by their allegiance to the Skibidi Toilet and The Communist Movement of the United States of America.

Ruby Kurosawa, terrified by Reimu's words, quickly complied, pulling her arms back inside the vehicle. The memory of Reimu's sheer brutality of f*ckrage towards their enemies—Skibidi Toilets, cultists, X-Nauts, and countless other f*ckwraiths left no doubt in Ruby's mind that Reimu would follow through on her threats and surely f*ck her up and murder the f*ck out of her corpse and send her on a death spiral to the fourth dimension.

The New England Patriots vehicle roared down the road and barreled through hordes of protesters and Skibidi Toilets, the dense forest eventually giving way to the sprawling outskirts of Charleston, South Carolina and as they approached the looming city, the atmosphere grew even tenser with elfin f*ckrage, the air thick with the promise of the imminent showdown and cataclysmic f*ckrage. Copeland and his twisted cult awaited them at the city of Charleston, South Carolina... but the spasti colons of the American Patriots were revved up and ready for whatever sort of spastic sh*t coming at them.

"Alright, listen up!" Reimu barked as they neared their destination. "This is it. We're taking down Copeland and his whole damn operation and followers. No mercy, no hesitation. We're the New England Patriots, and we're gonna f*ck them up and sodomize their assholes with a porcupine filled with lighter fluid and poison!"

Mokou grinned wickedly, her hand stroking her weapon like a lover would to their husband's penis "Let's show these motherf*ckers what happens when they mess with us, we penetrate their defenses deeply and finish inside of them!"

The city of Charleston, South Carolina, loomed on the horizon, a sprawling metropolis where the past and future collided in a harrowing juxtaposition of sex, blood and sardonic Tom Ford f*ckery. The skyline, once renowned for its historical charm and antebellum architecture, now bore the scars of a nation at war with itself and was mixed with the ultra-industrial neo-f*ckscape that resembled that of Mao Tse-Tung China. The setting sun cast an eerie glow over the city, painting the sky in shades of crimson and amber, a backdrop to the desolate beauty of Charleston which was now f*cked over by Hammers, Sickles and roaming Skibidi Toilets which ripped humans apart unless they dared to bow before them.

The iconic Ravenel Bridge stretched across the Cooper River which was blood-stained and redder than the Republican South, its sleek lines and towering pylons standing as sentinels against the encroaching darkness which encroached upon the City of Charleston after the Skibidi Toilets had arrived and subsequently ruined everything and had begun spreading their ideology across the United States of America,. Even this marvel of engineering and human intellect had showed signs of the conflict that had ravaged the city. Sections of the bridge were marred by explosions, steel beams twisted and bent like grotesque sculptures and on the side of the bridge was none other than the Hammer & Sickle The once steady flow of traffic had dwindled and the bridge once named after an American had now been rebranded to the Bridge of Stalingrad.

Historic church steeples, symbols of Charleston's deep-rooted faith and resilience, pierced the skyline of the once Christian city. The St. Michael's Episcopal Church, with its towering white steeple still stood tall, though its facade was pockmarked by bullet holes and soot-stained from recent fires and the bells, once tolling for weddings and Sunday services had long been replaced, large swaths of the Church had been torn apart and replaced for the Church led by Kenneth Copeland, a symbol of the lowering religious significance in America and the general switch to the Prosperity Gospel and when that wasn't enough, Kenneth Copeland had embraced the Skibidi Toilet religion which worshipped none other than the G-Man Toilet, a large and massive Skibidi Toilet which ruled over them all... Kenneth Copeland had whole-heartedly embraced Toiletism which had also led him to embracing the Anarcho-Communist ideologies of the Skibidi Toilet.

"Wow, this place looks like sh*t!" Spoke Dia Kurosawa as she observed the swaths of death and violence that surrounded the City of Charleston, a city consumed by its cult of Skibidi Toilets.

"Yeah, looks like someone puked on a pile of sh*t, get this fake-ass religious f*ckery out of this f*cking place... and why all the Tom Ford?!" Yelled Kaguya who stroked her rifle with elfin fervor, thinking about how she was going to split the fiery skulls of demonic f*ckfarts asunder with nothing but her trusty rifle and a bit of lead.

Reimu gripped the wheel of the vehicle tightly as she led the New England Patriots through the outskirts of Charleston, South Carolina... navigating through the ruins and remnants of what was once a bustling city which was now maoist style industrial f*ckland of nuclear waste and mutilated skulls. The vehicle swerved to avoid debris and the occasional wandering Skibidi Toilet, its headlights cutting through the encroaching darkness like a 1000 degree challenge knife through a gnarled skull, The New England Patriots' mission was clear, cleanse Charleston of its cult infestation and bring an end to Kenneth Copeland's reign of terror and demand answers from the motherf*cker who sought ruin and carnage across the landscape.

As they approached the beating heart of the city, the desolation grew more pronounced with every encroaching meter. Buildings that once housed thriving businesses now stood as crumbling monuments to the chaos that had engulfed Charleston, buildings and businesses were burnt and torn asunder like a BLM protest, ruined bodies splattered across the elfin f*ckscape as many rogue bandits and cultists battled for territory and land, though the bandits were always killed off by hordes of cultists who wore bloody red turbans which were swathed with the blood of a fallen eagle... symbolizing the death of America and the rise of the Skibidi Toilets. The air was thick with the stench of burning flesh and cordite, The New England Patriots' vehicle roared down the bloody streets of Charleston, its engine a defiant growl against the silence of the apocalyptic f*ckfarts.

"Keep your eyes peeled, everyone. We're in the thick of it now, time to slay and kill!" Reimu warned, her voice cutting through the tension in the vehicle. "We're not just fighting for Charleston—we're fighting for the soul of America... and that starts by f*ckslaying the f*ck out of these f*cking f*ckers!"

Reimu cried out as she plungedT̷̷H̷̷E̷ ̷S̷̷K̷̷U̷̷L̷̷L̷̷F̷̷U̷̷C̷̷K̷̷E̷̷R̷into the chicken neck of a cultist, splattering blood and sh*t across the floor before tossing its gnarled head to Sanae for the vicious alley oop which blew the head into pieces asunder.

Mokou chuckled darkly as she witnessed Reimu's ruthless efficiency in cultist murder. The blood-soaked scene before her was both a testament to their mission and a reminder of the brutality required to cleanse Charleston of its Skibidi Toilet infestation... it's f*ckslaying time!

"Nice shot, Reimu! That alley-oop was a slam dunk and lit as f*ck" Mokou jeered, her voice tinged with sad*stic satisfaction as her loins tingled in sexual pleasure. She stepped forward, her eyes scanning the street for more cultists and their sh*tty Toilet Worshippin' ways. "These cultist f*cks won't know what hit them. Time to paint Charleston red with their blood and water the gardens of America with Cultist blood,f*ck YEAH!"

The eerie glow of the setting sun cast long shadows across the ravaged city of Charleston, illuminating the bloody turbans of the fallen cultists and their gnarled corpses... Mokou's hands tightened around her weapon as she prepared to unleash her own brand of fiery vigilante justice upon these f*cks. Her heart pounded with anticipation, each beat fueling her resolve to eradicate the Skibidi Toilet menace and cleanse America the Beautiful of the f*cking f*ckers.

"You think you're tough with your bloody turbans and your eagle-killing bullsh*t? Well f*ck you,I'm Fujiwara No Mokou and I used to f*ck you guys back in Los Angeles!" Mokou taunted as she approached a group of cultists who had emerged from the ruins.

With a swift, fluid motion, Mokou raised her elfin f*ckrifle and unleashed a torrent of bullets upon the cultists, engulfing the cultists in a searing inferno of lead and blood... Their screams echoed through the desolate streets of Charleston and creating a symphonic f*ck-scream of agony that brought a twisted smile to Mokou's parched lips, the bullets caused the f*ckers to start dancing a vicious bloody dance in front of her eyes, smirking as the cultists collapsed like ragdolls who had been ripped apart with sonic bursts and knives.

"That's how you handle those pieces of sh*t," Mokou said with a grin, turning back to her comrades. "Who's next, I could kill these f*ckers all day... ain't no better way to cool off in the hot summer day then by spraying their viscera across my loins!"

Mokou gripped the corpses of the fallen cultists and smashed their heads asunder with a vicious stomp before tossing them into the drains for Pennywise to collect later, that f*ckin' clown.

Ruby Kurosawa was visibly shaken by the violence and brutality around her and perpetuated by Mokou, she clutched her weapon tightly, her knuckles white with fear. She took a tentative step forward, her voice trembling as she spoke towards the rest of the New England Patriots.

"Uh... Mokou, I-I don't think I can handle this... It's too much... All this blood and killing... I didn't sign up for this to be this intense..." Ruby stammered, her eyes wide with fear and loathing... She glanced at the fallen cultists, their bodies riddled with bullet holes and drenched in blood, and felt a wave of nausea wash over her.

"Ahh this again, I told you to quit bein' a f*ckin' puss*" Reimu responded as she rolled her eyes at Ruby Kurosawa and looked at her with disgust, "We ain't a bunch of sissies like the Communists, we're f*ckin' American Capitalists... don't give me none of that weak-sauce sissy sh*t... the last thing I want is a retarded fa*g on our group."

Ruby flinched at Reimu's cruel words, tears welling up in her eyes as she tried to steady her trembling hands after being ripped apart by Reimu Hakurei. She had known this mission would be brutal, but the reality of it was overwhelming... Mokou's brutal actions had already shaken her and now Reimu's scathing tirade made her feel even more isolated and fearful, she felt weak as sh*t...

Mokou was still standing over the mangled corpses of the cultists and promptly took a step back and sighed, her expression softening as she noticed Ruby's distress. "Oi Reimu! Keep this sh*t PC, no more f*ckin' R-words or gay slurs you f*ckin' hoe, lay off her. We're all in this together and tearing each other down like a bunch of crazy Eagles fans ain't gonna help our f*ckin' cause, let me knock some sense into this bitch!" She said, Mokou felt her loins lose their tingling as she lost her arousal from slaying and focused on Ruby Kurosawa.

Reimu glared at Fujiwara No Mokou but said nothing in return, her anger still simmering beneath the surface after seeing the cowardly nature of Ruby Kurosawa, much to the chagrin of Dia Kurosawa.

Mokou turned to Ruby, her eyes meeting the younger red-haired school idol. "Look, kiddo... I know this is a lot to handle and it's kinda f*cked up, It's brutal and it's messy, but we're fighting for something bigger than ourselves... the f*ckin' flag and you've got more strength in you than you realize... don't let fear control you and let your loins pulse with arousal, let yourselfROCK THE f*ck OUT!. We're here to back you up, but you gotta find that fire inside you too... we call that firef*ckrage"

Ruby took a shaky breath, nodding slightly. "I'll try... I'll do my best, I'll try to develop f*ckrage..." she whispered, wiping away her tears. "For America. For all of us!"

Mokou gave her a reassuring nod before turning her attention back to the blood-soaked streets of Charleston and stroking her rifle. "Alright, let's keep moving. We've got a job to do and these Skibidi Toilet f*ckers aren't gonna kill themselves... f*ckin' bastards."

Sanae felt her spastic colon churning as her ears twitched and moved around at the thought of slaying some cultists, she observed the scene... letting the euphoria of f*ckslaying wash over her as she looked at Reimu with a determined nod.

"f*ckslaying time?" Sanae asked, looking at Reimu quizzically as her hands tremble in excitement at the prospects of murdering those blasphemous cultists with her hands, her titillating tit* and nipples hardening in murderous arousal.

Reimu grinned wickedly at Sanae's question, her eyes flashing with anticipation in committing a brutal act of Americanism. "Hell yeah, it's f*ckslaying time!" Reimu declared, her voice tinged with excitement as her abs pulsed eagerly. "Time to show these cultist f*ckers what happens when they mess with the New England Patriots... the La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo!"

With a swift motion, Reimu drew her weapon,T̷̷H̷̷E̷ ̷S̷̷K̷̷U̷̷L̷̷L̷̷F̷̷U̷̷C̷̷K̷̷E̷̷R̷̷from its holster, the glint of steel catching the dim light of the blood-stained streets which were splattered in cultist and bandit blood. "Let's f*ckin' do this, time to rock the f*ck out!" she growled, her blood pumping with adrenaline and f*ckrage.

Sanae nodded eagerly, her own weapon at the ready as her body was thrumming with energy which came in the form of f*ckrage, hormones and raw arousal. "I'm ready to f*ckslay some cultists and rip the balls off of Kenneth Copeland" she declared, her voice filled with determination. "Let's show them the wrath of the New England Patriots."

With a battle cry that echoed through the desolate streets of Charleston, the New England Patriots charged forward, their weapons blazing and their hearts filled with f*ckrage. They were ready to unleash hell upon the cultists that dared to stand in their way and nothing would stop them from achieving their goal of purging the city of the Skibidi Toilet filth.

"Tonight... we shall have Kenneth Copeland defeated and we shall rip his balls off and hopefully have that f*cker spill the beans on what the sh*t is going on in this country..." Kaguya Houraisan declared as she waved her gun around menacingly, preparing to go ballistic with animalistic f*ckrage whenever she got the chance to do so.

The New England Patriots surged forward, their determination unwavering as they advanced through the chaos of Charleston, South Carolina with elfin fervor. The streets were a battleground of unspeakable f*cking hardcore metal f*cking and filled with the sounds of gunfire, screams, and the clash of steel against steel as they engaged the cultists in fierce combat of unprecedented magnitude.

Reimu led the charge of the New England Patriots, her weapon cutting through the air with deadly precision as she mowed down any cultist foolish enough to stand in her motherf*cking way. Beside her, Mokou unleashed torrents of fire from her weapons, splattering their blood in a staunch and violent mixture of blood and heavy metal.

Sanae fought with a ferocity born of righteous f*ck-fury, her movements swift and precise as a razor as she dispatched her enemies with deadly accuracy and f*cked up, mangled corpses.

Kaguya was fueled by a thirst for vengeance and bloodshed, she unleashed a barrage of bullets upon the Skibidi cultists, her shots finding their mark with deadly accuracy and splattering the remains across the bloody ground before, killing the cultists in a brutish display of dipsh*ttery.

Behind Kaguya and Sanae was Dia and Ruby Kurosawa who had combined their ferocious firepower into a twisted scene of bloody murder, murdering the f*ck out of the Skibidi Toilets, Cultists and all other forms of unspeakable f*cksh*t that was daring to approach the New England Patriots.

"Eek... t-their organs are splashing onto the ground..."

Ruby Kurosawa stammered as Dia Kurosawa ripped hearts out with her bare hands, shoving grenades into the mouths of rabid Skibidi Toilets and blowing their remains into millions of bloody bits of death which stained the concrete ground with elfin fervor.

"Where the f*ck are we headin' anyways, Reimu? I ain't see no f*ckin' church" Sanae cries out as she felt her tit* harden in anger.

Reimu was covered and swathed in the mixed blood of fallen cultists and Skibidi Toilets alike, she turned back to Sanae with a look of intense f*ck-fury and disgust. Her grip tightened onT̷̷H̷̷E̷ ̷S̷̷K̷̷U̷̷L̷̷L̷̷F̷̷U̷̷C̷̷K̷̷E̷̷R̷, the massive weapon that had become an extension of her own rage... once a humble candlestick.

"We're headed to the Kenneth Copeland Ministries Building, Sanae! Are you f*cking stupid? I don't know where the f*ck it is but I'll probably get a f*cking response from the LA Knight!" Reimu barked angrily, her voice cutting through the chaos with no bullsh*t and all f*ck-rage!. "That's where that son of a bitch is holed up with his f*cking cult and we're gonna tear that place apart and make him regret ever f*cking with us. Keep moving and keep killing, we ain't stopping until we wipe this place clean!"

The New England Patriots continued their relentless advance through the city of Charleston, South Carolina, their path a trail of destruction and death as they pushed through the city towards their target... Kenneth Copeland.

Every step brought them closer to the heart of the Skibidi Toilet cult which plagued the south of the United States, formerly known as the Bible Belt and they were ready to unleash hell upon Kenneth Copeland and his followers for treason against the United States of America, f*cking communist sympathizing Skibidi Toilet loving scum!

Dia was covered in blood and grinning with manic glee which was a far cry from the loving sister she was to Ruby Kurosawa, she threw another grenade into a group of cultists, their bodies disintegrating into a cloud of blood and viscera. "Let's f*cking do this! Time to take back America, one city at a f*cking time!" she shouted, her voice filled with a bloodthirsty joy and gleefully murderous intent.

Dia pulled out another grenade and tossed it at a group of Skibidi Toilets which had congregated near a dead body of a fallen bandit, ripping its bones apart and devouring it like a group of lions devouring a fallen gazelle.

The grenade exploded with an infernal cast and caused the shattered porcelain bowls to shatter into millions of small white porcelain pieces... causing many other Skibidi Toilets to flee the scene after witnessing the brutality of Dia Kurosawa.

Reimu and the group arrive at an intersection which was filled with corpses belonging to rogue bandits who had failed to embrace the cult of Skibidi Toilet, Mokou spoke up with a rough tone which was filled with righteous f*ckrage and f*ckfury.

Mokou looked around at the intersection littered with the corpses of rogue bandits which had been stacked up like piles of useless sissies after the rise of the Skibidi Toilets, the stench of death thick in the air. Her eyes narrowed as she took in the sight, and she cracked her knuckles with a menacing smirk as she obserbed this massive pile of dead corpses.

"Look at these sorry-ass motherf*ckers, f*ckin' pansies"Mokou spat, her voice dripping with contempt at this pile of dead f*cks. "Thought they could take on the cult and failed miserably. This is what happens when you ain't got the f*ck-fire and f*ck-fury of true Patriots. We're gonna show these Skibidi Toilets and their followers what real American power looks like..."

She kicked one of the corpses aside and launched it to the f*cking moon, clearing a path for the group. "Listen up, bitches. We're at the crossroads, both literally and figuratively. This is where we decide the fate of Charleston and send a message to the rest of the country... to all those Skibidi Toilets and their f*cking bullsh*t ideals! Kenneth Copeland's time is up. We're gonna march right into that Ministries Building, rip out his spine, and use it to f*ckin' floss and we're going to rip out his f*cking balls and use it for a broth."

Mokou's eyes burned with a fierce intensity as she continued, "So tighten your grips, steady your aim and keep that f*ckrage burning through your f*cking hearts. We're not just fighting for ourselves; we're fighting for every American who still believes in freedom and the right to live without the f*ckin' tyranny of these porcelain pricks...!"

She glanced at each member of the New England Patriots, her gaze unwavering. "Let's move out and show 'em what true Patriots are made of... We take Charleston back and then we take back the whole goddamn country. No mercy, no retreat. For America!USA USA USA!"

With a rallying cry of death and metal, Mokou led the charge forward, her confidence and ferocity igniting a renewed sense of purpose in her comrades which came from the f*ckrage burning throught their hearts, The New England Patriots surged ahead towards the downtown of Charleston, ready to bring their brand of justice to the heart of the Skibidi Toilet cult and reclaim their nation from the clutches of the Skibidi Toilets.

"That's cool and all, but guess what... I'm the f*ckin' leader here" Reimu remarked as she led the New England Patriots towards the downtown of Charleston which was now filled with many evil-looking skyscrapers and large factories.

Reimu's voice cut through the tense atmosphere like a blade through flesh and blood, her words dripping with authority of the assholish variety. She raised her weapon high, a symbol of her leadership and unwavering resolve of the New England Patriots.

"Listen up, you sorry bunch of misfits," Reimu barked, her eyes scanning each member of the New England Patriots with a steely gaze of f*ck. "I may have been born a f*ckin' whack-ass motherf*cker, but I'm also the one who's gonna lead us to victory. So you better listen up and follow my lead or I'll rip your f*ckin' guts out myself."

Mokou rolled her eyes and snarled at this petulant display of arrogance out of Reimu Hakurei, f*cking bitch...

Reimu Hakurei pointed ahead towards the towering skyscrapers and factories that loomed in the distance, their dark silhouettes casting long shadows over the desolate streets of Charleston and utterly ruining the southern charm of the city. "We've got a job to do, and that job is to take down Kenneth Copeland and his Skibidi Toilet cult once and for all. We're not gonna stop until every last one of those porcelain pricks is lying in a pool of their own f*ckin' blood... and all of those Toiletsexuals are dead!"

Reimu's voice boomed with conviction, her words echoing off the crumbling buildings and sending a chill down the spines of her comrades and causing their colons to tingle with their American spirit "We're gonna march straight into that downtown area, guns blazing and f*ckrage at full throttle. We're gonna tear through those cultists like paper dolls and show them what it means to f*ck with the New England Patriots."

She paused for a moment, letting her words sink in before continuing with a fierce intensity. "This ain't gonna be easy, and it sure as hell ain't gonna be pretty. But we've faced worse sh*t than this before and we've come out on top every f*ckin' time. So strap in, gear up, and get ready to unleash hell. Charleston's ours for the taking, and ain't no f*ckin' Skibidi Toilet cult gonna stand in our way... f*ck YEAH!"

And soon enough, Reimu and the rest of the New England Patriots stood before the Kenneth Copeland Ministries building which was utterly massive and filled to the brim with weird satanic imagery with many Skibidi Toilet murals painted onto the walls... swathed in blood.


As they stood before the towering Kenneth Copeland Ministries building, its dark facade looming over them like a twisted monolith of f*ckery and unholy bullsh*t, Reimu's eyes blazed with a fiery determination that matched the intensity of the infernal structure before them.

"This is it, motherf*ckers, we're here" Reimu declared, her voice dripping with a potent mix of disdain and f*ckrage. "We're gonna storm this goddamn building, kick down the doors and put an end to this Skibidi Toilet cult bullsh*t once and for all. Kenneth Copeland and his cronies think they can f*ck with America? Well, they've got another thing coming."

With a swift motion, Reimu raised her weapon and kicked open the doors of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries building, the sound of splintering wood echoing through the desolate streets of Charleston, South Carolina. The New England Patriots followed closely behind, their weapons at the ready and their loins pulsating with anticipation.

As they entered the building, they were met with a scene straight out of a nightmare. The halls were adorned with MORE grotesque Skibidi Toilet imagery, paintings of Kenneth Copeland himself adorned the walls like some kind of twisted deity... as if he were a f*cking god and cultists scurried about like rats, their eyes filled with fanatic fervor as they chanted praises to their porcelain overlords...

Skibidi Skibidi Skibidi

But the New England Patriots were undeterred by this f*ckscene and with a deafening battle cry that shook the very foundations of the building, they charged forward, guns blazing and f*ckrage at maximum capacity. The cultists stood no chance against the onslaught of American f*ck-fury, their bodies torn apart by a hail of bullets and righteous indignation as the New England Patriots stormed through the defenseless cultists and splattering their bodies across the church of Kenneth Copeland.

As they fought their way through the building, inching closer to their ultimate goal, Reimu's resolve only grew stronger to get Kenneth Copeland to confess, rip his balls off and murder the f*ck out of him. She knew that victory was within their grasp and nothing would stand in their way.

"God-Dammit! this is bullsh*t!"

Mokou yelled at the sight on TV as many people were whipped and tortured on the cameras of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries, being broadcasted for cultists to watch and enjoy... they were murdering the heathens who dared to defy the Skibidi Toilets, it didn't matter what religion or non-religion you were... if you weren't a worshipper of Skibidi Toilets, you would be killed, flayed and murdered brutally for the enjoyment of the ferverous Skibidi Toilet Cultists and the Skibidi Toilets themselves.


Kaguya had just rushed into the halls of Kenneth Copeland Ministries and began firing upon the hundreds of cultists with dual wielding machine guns, her loins pulsating fervorously as she relished the viscera which sprayed across the floor and her perfect Lunarian body.

"Oh my god... she just ran in..."

Ruby Kurosawa stammered sheepishly as the rest of the New England Patriots joined into the large halls to join Kaguya who had not thought about planning the attack first... f*cking MORON.

As Kaguya unleashed her unbridled onslaught upon the cultists with reckless abandon and ferverous f*ckrage, the rest of the New England Patriots charged into the halls of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries building, their weapons blazing and their f*ckrage reaching fever pitch and sending them to the f*cking moon with their tumultuous righteous f*ckrage.

Reimu's eyes blazed with fury as she took in the sight of the carnage around her. She knew that they had to put an end to this madness once and for all and she was prepared to do whatever it took to accomplish their mission... even if it meant killing all of the Cultists of the Bible belt with nothing more than her trusty candlestick and her group of Patriots.

"Stay focused, you f*cking idiots! It's f*ckslaying time!" Reimu barked, her voice cutting through the chaos like a knife through butter. "We're here to take down Kenneth Copeland and his Skibidi Toilet cult, not to play f*cking games. Let's show these assholes what it means to mess with the New England Patriots! LA LI LU LE LO!"

With that, Reimu led the charge into the heart of the building, her weapon blazing as she cut down any cultist who dared to stand in her way. The sounds of gunfire and screams filled the air as the New England Patriots fought their way through the building, inching closer to their ultimate goal with every step... blood splattering the walls violently.

Despite the chaos and bloodshed surrounding them, the New England Patriots pressed on with unwavering determination and tumultuous f*ckrage. They knew that the fate of Charleston—and perhaps even the entire nation rested in their hands, and they were prepared to fight to the bitter end to ensure victory... they were here to make noise and get loud.

As they continued their relentless advance through the building, their resolve only grew stronger and with each raw passing moment, they drew closer to confronting Kenneth Copeland himself and putting an end to his reign of terror once and for all AND they would do it with maximum f*ckery and unyielding patriotism, no matter the cost... thus was the M.O of the New England Patriots.

"Quick, time for the battle of Charleston... we make our mark and show all of the Skibidi Toilets that we're here to make our f*cking mark! f*ck Yeah, f*ck Yeah!"

Kaguya bellowed after going full Leeroy Jenkins on hundreds of now dead cultists, such was an American act of revolution and Patriotism... values that were the core essense of the American Spirit.

Reimu stepped forward, her eyes gleaming with a mix of sad*stic pleasure and unyielding determination which came from the heart. The carnage around her only fueled her resolve and her simmering f*ckrage and the sight of Kaguya's reckless massacre brought a twisted smile to her face. She raised her weapon high, addressing her comrades with a voice dripping with malevolent glee and f*ckrage.

"Listen up, you f*cking f*ckers" Reimu snarled, her voice echoing through the blood-soaked halls. "We're here to tear down this cesspool of filth and make sure Kenneth Copeland and his Skibidi Toilet cult pay for every ounce of sh*t they've spread across our country... We're gonna rip their hearts out, bathe in their blood, and show them the true meaning of American f*ckery."

She took a step closer to the group, her smile widening as she continued, "We're not just here to kill these bastards. We're here to send a message to every Skibidi Toilet piece of sh*t out there. This is our country, and we won't let some porcelain pricks take it from us. So let's give them a show they'll never forget... call it a message or a f*cking massacre, same f*ckin' thing"

Reimu's eyes gleamed with a sad*stic delight as she concluded, "No mercy, no prisoners. We bathe in their blood and we f*ck them up so bad they'll wish they were never born. Now, let's get to work and make America proud. f*ck yeah!"

With that, Reimu led the charge deeper into the Kenneth Copeland Ministries building, her weapon ready and her heart filled with the savage joy of the impending bloodbath... the following New England Patriots followed into the Auditorium where Kenneth Copeland was.

Kenneth Copeland was dressed in a pink tuxedo which was covered in many hearts, his stage being filled with all sorts of prostitutes and instragram models that he had paid off and brainwashed with whatever Skibidi Bullsh*t he wielded... the pimp known as Kenneth Copeland had been waiting for them after hearing about the New England Patriots from his fellow members of the elite which had embraced the Skibidi Toilets, he spoke with a southern accent.


"Well, well, well, if it ain't the mighty New England Patriots," Kenneth drawled, his voice dripping with mocking amusem*nt. "Y'all been causin' quite a ruckus, ain't ya round these parts? Thinkin' you can waltz in here and disrupt my little paradise. But let me tell ya, this ain't just any cult. This is the future, the divine order of the Skibidi Toilets, and y'all are just in time for the grand finale."

He gestured grandiosely to the stage, where his entourage of brainwashed followers gazed blankly at the scene unfolding before them. "I reckon you've seen the power we wield, the transformation we've embraced. Ain't no stoppin' us now. We're the new gospel, the new faith, and we're here to cleanse this land of its sinful past... burn America down, the sinful nature of America will embrace the word of the G-Man Toilet."

Reimu's eyes narrowed, her grip tightening on her weapon as she stepped forward, her voice laced with a mix of fury and disdain. "You're nothing but a lyin' butter churnin' piece of fried f*ck... Copeland. Hiding behind your mindless followers, spewing your sick ideology. We're here to end this, to put a stop to your perverted version of 'divine order."

Fujiwara No Mokou had pulled out her rifle and pointed it at Kenneth Copeland and his pink tuxedo... she spoke with the utmost disgust at this bullsh*tting con-artist motherf*cker.

"f*ck that butter churnin' bullsh*t, I ain't believin' none of that Skibidi Bullsh*t you pushed upon this f*ckin' city and after I finish ripping your balls off, I'm going to squeeze every last bit of sweet intel out of you and have you screamin' and dancin' like a bitch"

Kenneth Copeland merely chuckled and crossed his arms, taking a drag of his cigar which was infused with the essence of death and despair, such was this unholy pastor from hell.

"Well, ain't that just precious, that's f*ckin' cute~" Kenneth Copeland chuckled, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction. "Y'all think you can just come in here and put an end to my divine mission? Let me tell ya, darling, you ain't seen nothin' yet..."

He straightened his pink tuxedo, adjusting the hearts that adorned it as he began his monologue, his tone filled with self-righteous fervor and the utter arrogance of a man who thought himself as part of the divine.

"You see, my dear New England Patriots, you've been livin' in a world of lies and deceit. The true gospel ain't some fairy tale about a man in sandals walkin' on water. Oh no, it's much deeper than that. It's about power, control, and the divine order of the Skibidi Toilets... not some f*ckin' Sky Daddy."

Kenneth Copeland gestured dramatically to the stage, where his brainwashed followers stood in eerie silence, their eyes glazed over with devotion for their leader, Kenneth Copeland.

"You think you know the truth, but you're just blind to the real power that's been pullin' the strings all along. The G-Man Toilet, that's who we worship. He's the true savior, the one who's gonna bring about a new world order and ain't nothin' gonna stop him... not you, not anyone... he is GOD, he will cleanse the mental illness that is known as America."

He took another puff of his cigar, his eyes gleaming with fanatic zeal as he continued his tirade.

"The G-Man Toilet ain't just some porcelain God, he's the embodiment of enlightenment, the harbinger of a new age and when he rises, he's gonna cleanse this world of its sins and bring about a glorious new era of prosperity and peace... under the rule of the Illuminati."

"Blah blah blah, what the f*ck did you do to Joel Osteen?! Why did he f*cking explode into billions of bits back in Atlanta, Georgia?!" Sanae Kochiya roared in eternal f*ckrage as Kenneth Copeland let out a deep sigh of annoyance.

"Well, well, well, looks like we got ourselves some feisty little Patriots here," Kenneth Copeland drawled, a twisted grin spreading across his face as he regarded Sanae with amusem*nt. "Joel Osteen? Oh, he was just a pawn in the grand scheme of things, sweetheart. A disposable piece of the puzzle, if you will... just a dumb patsy."

He took another puff of his cigar, the smoke curling around him like a sinister fog as he continued speaking, his voice oozing with sad*stic satisfaction.

"You see, darlin', in this world, there ain't no room for sentimentality. We gotta do what needs to be done to achieve our goals, no matter the cost and if that means sacrificin' a few pawns along the way, well, so be it. It's all part of the divine plan, ya see?"

Kenneth Copeland chuckled darkly, his eyes gleaming with malice as he took another drag of his cigar, the ember glowing red-hot against the darkness of the room.

"As for Joel Osteen... well, let's just say he had it comin'. He was gettin' too big for his britches, thinkin' he could defy the will of the G-Man Toilet and the Illuminati. So we had to show him who's really in charge around here... couldn't have him betrayin' us"

He leaned in closer, his gaze piercing through Sanae with unnerving intensity.

"And as for you lot... well, you're next on the chopping block. You think you can waltz in here and disrupt our plans? Think again, darlin'. We got ourselves a front-row seat to the apocalypse, and y'all are gonna be the star attraction."

Kenneth Copeland's grin widened into a twisted smirk as he gestured to the stage behind him, where his brainwashed followers stood in eerie silence, awaiting his command.

"So what'll it be, Patriots? You gonna play nice and join us in usherin' in a new era of enlightenment? Or are you gonna be stubborn little mules and meet your end like the rest of 'em?"

He chuckled darkly, the sound echoing through the chamber like a death knell as he awaited their response, his sad*stic glee palpable in the air.

"By enlightenment, you mean the destruction of America... that's horsesh*t!"Dia Kurosawa spoke bitterly as she looked at Kenneth Copeland with a look of righteous f*ckrage and anger,"Like hell we're going to sacrifice this nation because of some Skibidi Toilet bullsh*t."

Kenneth Copeland's grin widened into a malevolent smirk as he listened to Dia's defiant words, his eyes gleaming with sad*stic pleasure at her fiery resolve... it was mere amusem*nt to Kenneth Copeland, being the f*ckhead he was.

"Well now, ain't that just precious," he drawled, his southern accent dripping with mockery. "You Patriots sure do love your country, don't ya? But let me tell ya somethin', sweetheart... America ain't what it used to be. It's decayin' from the inside out, rotting from the core like a diseased carcass."

He took another puff of his cigar, the smoke curling around him like a shroud of darkness as he continued speaking, his voice filled with venomous disdain for the land he once called home.

"America had its chance, darlin'. It had its chance to embrace the true path to enlightenment, to join us in usherin' in a new era of prosperity and peace under the benevolent rule of the G-Man Toilet and the Illuminati. But it chose to cling to its outdated notions of freedom and democracy, to wallow in its own filth like a pig in the mud."

Kenneth Copeland's eyes blazed with fanatic zeal as he spoke, his words dripping with contempt for the nation he once swore to serve.

"And now, it's payin' the price for its arrogance and ignorance. The end is nigh for America, darlin'. And ain't nothin' you or your little band of Patriots can do to stop it. So you might as well embrace the inevitable and join us in usherin' in a new era of enlightenment... or face the wrath of the G-Man Toilet and the Illuminati."

He leaned in closer, his grin widening into a sinister smirk as he spoke his final words, his voice filled with sad*stic glee.

"Death to America, darlin'. Death to America."

Kenneth Copeland's voice resonated with fervor as he espoused his twisted vision of the G-Man Toilet's will, his words dripping with a fanatic zeal that bordered on madness and utter lunacy.

"The G-Man Toilet's vision transcends the petty confines of democracy and capitalism," he proclaimed, his voice echoing off the walls of the church. "In his divine wisdom, he sees the folly of hierarchy and oppression, of wealth and privilege. He calls for a new order, a world where all are equal, where the means of production belong to the masses, and where the chains of capitalism are cast aside."

His eyes gleamed with fervent zeal as he continued, his words filling the room with an air of manic intensity.

"Under the G-Man Toilet's rule, there will be no masters or slaves, no rulers or subjects. There will be only comrades, united in their pursuit of true equality and freedom. The bourgeoisie will be cast down, their wealth redistributed among the proletariat, and the workers will rise up to seize control of their own destiny."

Kenneth Copeland's voice rose to a fever pitch as he spoke, his words laced with a twisted sense of righteousness.

"This is the will of the G-Man Toilet, and we, his faithful servants, shall see it done. Death to America, death to capitalism, death to all who oppose the glorious revolution of the Skibidi Toilets!"

Reimu's colon churned in disgust as she yelled at Kenneth Copeland with elfin fervor,"f*ck that bullsh*t, you don't even believe that yourself! If you claim to be part of the Illuminati yet want Anarcho-Communism, that just means you and your buddies to rule over everyone else!"

Kenneth Copeland's chuckle reverberated through the room, his amusem*nt evident in the gleam of his eyes as he regarded Reimu with a mix of condescension and smug satisfaction.

"My dear Reimu, you have a knack for seeing through the grift," he remarked, his voice dripping with false camaraderie. "Indeed, the Illuminati's true aim has always been control and power, and communism serves as but a tool to achieve that end... and that is also the end goal of the Skibidi Toilets."

He paced around the room, his movements calculated and deliberate as he continued to expound upon his twisted ideology.

"Anarcho-Communism is the perfect guise, a veil of equality and justice to mask the true intentions of the elite such as us" he explained, his tone laced with a sickening blend of arrogance and deceit. "While the masses are kept in check by the illusion of shared wealth and collective ownership, the ruling class maintains its grip on power, pulling the strings from the shadows and reaping the benefits of their subjugation."

Kenneth Copeland's words hung heavy in the air, the weight of his hypocrisy casting a pall over the room as Reimu and her comrades listened with a mix of disgust and disdain.

"But fear not, my dear Reimu," he continued, his grin widening with each passing moment. "For in the end, it matters not who holds the reins of power. What matters is that the will of the G-Man Toilet shall prevail, and all who oppose it shall be swept aside like so much chaff before the wind."

With a final flourish, Kenneth Copeland turned to face Reimu, his eyes alight with a fervent zeal that bordered on madness.

"So go ahead, my dear. Rail against the inevitable, fight against the tide of history. In the end, you shall find yourself swept away like all the rest, lost to the annals of time as the world marches inexorably toward its glorious revolution."

"f*ck you, f*ck you, f*ck you! f*ck YOU!"

Ruby Kurosawa yelled angrily as she fired her rifle at Kenneth Copeland who was shot through the heart, but he didn't panic for some odd reason... almost as if he was unconcerned about the scene.

"Looks like it's time..."

Kenneth Copeland spoke with a smug sh*t-eating grin on his face, clutching his heart as Reimu looked at him quizzically.

"What are you bullsh*tting now, Copeland? You're f*cking dead..."

kenneth Copeland merely smirked at the naive words of Reimu Hakurei, his eyes rolled back and he began to laugh like a crazy son of a bitch... he was totally unhinged and utterly insane and off the rails.


"W-what the f*ck are you? You're utterly insane, you're inhuman!"Kaguya Houraisan spoke with a look of dismay which was met by laughter from Kenneth Copeland.

"That's right, I'm not like you guys... I am a Toilet, WHO RULES THIS WORLD!"Kenneth Copeland's laughter grew louder, more frenzied, as he nodded with wild abandon."Yes, yes, you fools! The G-Man Toilet is no mere porcelain deity... he is the embodiment of chaos, the harbinger of destruction, and he will cleanse this world of its impurities, starting with you!"

With a final, guttural scream, Kenneth Copeland's body contorted and twisted, his back ripped open as his true form emerged from his back... a massive Skibidi Toilet with a halo ring over it, the Saint Skibidi Toilet.

The revelation sent shockwaves through the room as the true nature of Kenneth Copeland was laid bare before the New England Patriots. Reimu's eyes widened in disbelief as she watched the transformation unfold, her mind struggling to comprehend the surreal scene playing out before her.

"Sweet mother of f*ck... he's a Skibidi Toilet," Mokou muttered in disbelief, her grip tightening on her rifle as she prepared for the inevitable confrontation with the monstrous entity before them.

"B̷̦͇̔̎R̷̳̹͊R̸̢̕͝R̵͖̩̅̚ ̸̤̖̍Ś̶̻K̵̠̯̋͛Ï̴̗̠B̶̺̒͠İ̸͕̚D̴̨̡̊I̸̯̔ ̸̺̅D̶̫́̏O̴̘̕P̶̖̹̀ ̸̊̔ͅD̶͒̽͜Ǫ̴́P̷̠͖͂ ̵̗͓̓̈́D̷̛͉͝Ö̶̝͈́P̴̡͋͆ ̶̞̃̅Ȳ̵̩̄E̵͙͜͠S̸̢͍̐͌ ̸̫̂̏Ỹ̷̩͍̓E̸͎̚S̷̤͋,̸̝̖͒ ̵͖͍͠Ṣ̴͇̆K̶̥͝Ḭ̷̀͠B̸̐ͅI̵̢̠̍̈́Ḏ̶̳̏I̶͈̩͝ ̸͚͠T̶̜̍͝A̶̘̿͂Ù̴͕͈͝P̴̥͂́L̶̡̾͜Ĕ̴͖Ḓ̶̺͒ ̷̙̓͑D̷̻͠I̷͙̎͊P̷̖̈́̅ ̴̨̜̇D̵͍̈́͝Ȅ̸͖̈́Ȋ̴̛̙̜P̷̥͓̑͝,̴̞̜͋ ̶̧̯́S̶̤̠̀̃K̶̖͇̚I̵̡͆B̸̤̼̎̐Ί̸̫͍İ̸̧̋D̴͉͙̚͝I̶̪̿ ̷̜̫̍D̶͖̰͂̑O̸̺͂P̷͙̼͌̉ ̶̗͆͝D̸̨̖́͛O̷͚̊P̵̧͚̈́ ̷̖͗̄D̷͙́̀Ȏ̶̬P̷͕̥̒ ̵̥̝͋͂Y̵͓̊E̶̗̽S̸̗͙͐͆ ̶̣̪̀Y̷͉̳͌̍E̷̺͍͑̋S̶̭͔̿̽,̴̥͓̐ ̸̼̋̒S̷̮̫̑̆K̷͍̎̊ͅĮ̷̹̈B̷̖̲̅Ĭ̵̪D̴̤̺̂I̵̻͆ ̷̘̳̈͠T̷͍̣͘A̷̢͈̍U̴̫̰̐͋P̸̡̙͛̅L̴͇̔̚Ẹ̴̄̉D̸̞̪̂̓ ̶̲͑̕D̷̟͆̀͜I̶̲̟͗P̵̘̋ ̷̻̩̉D̶͎́̂Ę̷͂Ḭ̵̒͘P̴̳̝̈́͝!̶̲̓̓"


"What in the bloody f*ck is that?!"

Ruby Kurosawa cried out in bloody horror as the corpse of Kenneth Copeland was now on the ground, his back having been split asunder as the true form of Kenneth Copeland had been revealed to all and with a deafening roar, he cries out.

Sacrificial Sign ~ Inshallah

The thousands of Cultists in the auditorium were suddenly slain as the turbans they wore had begun to explode and kill all of the cultists who had worn them... they had bombs installed inside of the turbans as a "Symbol of Loyalty" that Copeland had clearly exploited.

The large unholy Skibidi Toilet had begun to absorb their corpses and heal itself of the bullet wound that Ruby Kurosawa had inflicted, it seemed gleeful as it begun to taste the corpses of the cultists that had once sworn loyalty to Kenneth Copeland.

"Mmm~ Such tasty morsels~!" Copeland spoke, his voice now distorted and f*cked beyond belief, he seemed to be revelling in the chaos he created like the sick f*ck he is... they were merely pawns to him that were now used as a healing source.

Kaguya's expression twisted with disgust and horror as she watched the grotesque spectacle unfold before her eyes. The sight of the Skibidi Toilet, once Kenneth Copeland, feasting upon the corpses of its former followers filled her with a sickening sense of revulsion... this sick son of a bitch.

"This... this is beyond f*cked up," Kaguya muttered, her voice laced with a mixture of disbelief and disgust. "To think that those poor souls gave their lives in loyalty to that... that monstrosity. And now he's using them as nothing more than fuel for his own twisted power..."

She clenched her fists tightly, her knuckles turning white with rage as she fought to suppress the bile rising in her throat. The thought of such callous disregard for human life made her blood boil with f*ck-fur and she vowed to make Copeland pay dearly for his heinous crimes.

"We can't let this f*cker get away with this horsesh*t," Kaguya declared, her eyes burning with determination. "We have to take him down, no matter what it takes. For the sake of those poor souls whose lives were lost to his madness, we have to stop him here and now."

Reimu rolled her eyes, being the typical asshole that she was.

"Yeah, and those Innocent Souls were cultists who fully trusted this rat-f*cker, that's what you get for trusting this scumbag" Reimu spoke bitterly as she prepared her weapon known asT̷̷H̷̷E̷ ̷S̷̷K̷̷U̷̷L̷̷L̷̷F̷̷U̷̷C̷̷K̷̷E̷̷R̷which she would use to kill Copeland for all of eternity.

Dia Kurosawa glared at Reimu, her eyes flashing with anger at the callous disregard for human life committed by Kenneth Copeland. "They may have been misguided, but they didn't deserve to die like that, that's f*cking awful..." she retorted, her voice tinged with righteous indignation. "No one deserves to be used as mere pawns in someone else's sick game... especially not a f*cking crook like Copeland."

She turned her gaze towards the monstrous Skibidi Toilet that had once been Kenneth Copeland, her grip tightening on her weapon as she prepared to face this abomination head-on. "We may not be able to save those who have already fallen, but we can damn well make sure that this f*cker pays for what he's done. Let's end this once and for all."

Reimu charges towards the Saint Skibidi Toilet which had finished devouring its former followers in a cruel manner of death, Reimu reached forT̷̷H̷̷E̷ ̷S̷̷K̷̷U̷̷L̷̷L̷̷F̷̷U̷̷C̷̷K̷̷E̷̷R̷and she roared furiously as she charged her elfin-charged candlestick upon the Skibidi Toilet, stabbing it through the eyesocket.

But the Saint Skibidi Toilet headbutted Reimu with its vicious attack, launching her against the wall and causing all sorts of unspeakable bodily fluids to pour out onto the floor, Reimu merely scoffed... the f*ckrage pulsating through her loins.

Reimu gritted her teeth as she struggled to push herself up from the ground, her body aching from the force of the Skibidi Toilet's blow. She wiped the blood from her mouth, her eyes blazing with a fiery determination to defeat this unholy abomination once and for all... to end the cult of Skibidi Toilet and to kill this f*cking bitch.

"You think you can take me down that easily? You're in for a rude awakening, you piece of sh*t! I am Reimu Hakurei and I'm a New England Patriot!" Reimu spat, her voice filled with venomous defiance as she staggered to her feet, her grip tightening onT̷̷H̷̷E̷ ̷S̷̷K̷̷U̷̷L̷̷L̷̷F̷̷U̷̷C̷̷K̷̷E̷̷R̷̷."I'm gonna tear you apart from the inside out, you f*cking communist toilet baka!"

With a primal scream, Reimu launched herself at the Saint Skibidi Toilet once more, her weapon held high as she prepared to unleash hell upon her twisted foe with blood and heavy metal, the others begun firing upon the Skibidi Toilet but nothing was working against it.

As Reimu charged towards the Saint Skibidi Toilet with unrelenting f*ck-fury, her comrades joined into the fray with elfin fervor, their weapons blazing as they unleashed a f*cking barrage of bullets, blades, and magical attacks upon the monstrous entity. But despite their combined efforts, the Skibidi Toilet seemed unfazed, its twisted form enduring the onslaught with grotesque resilience.

Mokou was fueled by her own fiery determination and her unimaginable levels of f*ckrage, she seized a pitchfork dropped by one of the cultist f*cklings and lunged at the Skibidi Toilet with primal ferocity of 1000 f*ck-headed crack-heads and with a mighty thrust, she plunged the pitchfork deep into the creature's throat, eliciting a guttural roar of agony as it recoiled from the unexpected attack. The Skibidi Toilet thrashed and writhed in pain, its vile form convulsing as it struggled to dislodge the weapon from its flesh... Copeland was in trouble for once in his f*cking life.

"Take that, you toilet bastard, go f*ck yourself!" Mokou shouted triumphantly, her eyes blazing with righteous fury as she continued to assault the creature with relentless f*ck-fury, thrusting her hips wildly in a very provocative and sexual manner all the while.

Reimu was emboldened by Mokou's bravery and redoubled her own efforts, swingingT̷̷H̷̷E̷ ̷S̷̷K̷̷U̷̷L̷̷L̷̷F̷̷U̷̷C̷̷K̷̷E̷̷R̷̷with unyielding cosmic f*ckrage and determined f*ck-fury. With each strike, she aimed for the Skibidi Toilet's most vulnerable spots such as its neck and mouth, aiming to weaken it further and ultimately destroy it once and for all.

"Don't like that eh? Copeland, sucks to suck bitch!" Sanae roared petulantly, this overweening green-haired ex-shrine maiden continuously thrusted her weapon and began firing shots from her gun, stroking it like it were a penis and launching brutal rounds of buckshot which did nothing to the f*cking bastard.

Kenneth Copeland eventually expelled the pitchfork and began to launch wicked headbutts at the group with much success... knocking Reimu, Mokou, Kaguya, Sanae and Dia onto the ground...

"Repeat that again? What did you say again?" Mocked The Skibidi Toilet which unlike most Skibidi Toilets, could speak and articulate itself... it was the true form of Kenneth Copeland after all.

Copeland had planned to devour all of the New England Patriots, but he was a f*cking idiot as he conveniently neglected the weakest member of the group... Ruby Kurosawa.

With a swift and decisive movement, Ruby Kurosawa climbed onto the back of the Skibidi Toilet with reckless abandon, her hands finding purchase on the flushing lever which was located on the tank lid. With a fierce determination burning in her eyes, chest and boobs... she pulled down with all her strength which came to her through the SHEER f*ckRAGE which overcame her from seeing her friends nearly devoured and eaten alive, causing the lever to engage and the toilet to flush.

The Skibidi Toilet, now in its vulnerable state, let out a deafening roar of surprise and pain as it was sucked downward with tremendous force. The New England Patriots watched in astonishment as the monstrous entity was dragged down into the depths of the toilet, its twisted form disappearing into the swirling vortex.


A moment of stunned silence hung in the air as the group processed what had just occurred. Then, a collective cheer erupted as they realized they had defeated the abomination known as Kenneth Copeland once and for all... he was f*cking done for.

"f*ck yeah, Ruby!" Reimu exclaimed, her voice filled with pride and admiration as she scrambled to her feet. "That's how you do it! So you aren't a f*cking fa*g after all, sorry for calling you that earlier..."

Mokou grinned, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Damn straight! Looks like the toilet got flushed this time... always knew you had the f*ckrage inside of you."

Kenneth Copeland returned from his large Skibidi form, but he was weak and feeble... no longer possessing the raw powers of the Skibidi Toilet that had been imbued inside of him.

"You think you've won, you f*cking pieces of sh*t?"Kenneth Copeland's voice croaked, a bitter sneer twisting his features as he raised the gun to his own head. "You may have defeated me, but you'll never destroy the true power of the Skibidi Toilet and the Illuminati...! I curse you all to rot in hell, you f*cking c*nts! May your assholes be forever plagued with diarrhea and your souls damned to eternal torment!"

With a final, deranged cackle, Kenneth Copeland pulled the trigger, the sound of the gunshot echoing through the chamber as his lifeless body slumped to the ground. The New England Patriots watched in grim satisfaction, knowing that they had put an end to his reign of terror once and for all.

Reimu shook her head in disgust, her lips curled in a grimace. "Good riddance to that f*cking psycho, f*cking bitch" she muttered, her voice dripping with contempt for Kenneth Copeland for all of the bullsh*t that he had caused through the Skibidi Toilet cult.

Mokou nodded in agreement, her expression hardening with resolve and f*ckrage. "Let this be a lesson to anyone else who dares to f*ck with us. We'll tear them apart just like we did with that toilet-loving son of a bitch... looks like the cult is f*cking done for."

With Copeland's demise, the threat of the Skibidi Toilet cult had been extinguished and the New England Patriots could finally breathe a sigh of relief. But they knew that their fight was far from over. There were still other enemies out there, waiting to be dealt with.

But for now, they would celebrate their hard-won victory over the Skibidi Toilet Cult of Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland which had plagued the cities of Atlanta and Charleston, the LA Knight spoke through the PARA-RAID Device.

"Looks like you've killed both cultist leaders... should spell the end of the Skibidi Toilet Cult of Atlanta and Charleston..."

The LA Knight spoke throught the PARA-RAID device on the ears of Reimu and the rest of the New England Patriots, they had successfully f*ckslayed the cult of the Skibidi Toilets... one of the bastions of the Skibidi Toilet crisis which had plagued America.

"f*ck yeah... where do we celebrate at? Perhaps we loot a convenience store for booze and drinks?" Mokou suggested, ready to smoke that Copeland pack and enjoy their victory over those f*cking bastards.

With a collective nod of agreement, the New England Patriots made their way to an abandoned convenience store called "BUC-EE'S" on the outskirts of Charleston, South Carolina. The once-bustling store now stood derelict, its windows shattered and its shelves barren... it was a f*cking massive gasoline station.

As they entered the store, the group spread out, scavenging for whatever supplies they could find. Mokou headed straight for the alcohol aisle, her eyes scanning the shelves for any bottles that had survived the chaos of the Skibidi Toilet cult's reign... she was eager to get piss-ass drunk.

Meanwhile, Reimu and the others searched for food and other necessities, their weapons still at the ready in case of any unexpected threats and despite the gravity of their recent victory, they remained vigilant, knowing that danger could still lurk around every corner...don't get co*cky.

After gathering their supplies, the group reconvened at the center of the store where they found a dusty old table and chairs. They set down their loot and took a moment to catch their breath, the adrenaline of battle still coursing through their veins.

"Cheers to us, the f*ckin' heroes of America" Reimu declared with a smirk, raising a bottle of whiskey in salute. "We kicked some serious ass today, and we deserve every drop of booze in this place."

The others echoed her sentiment, raising their own bottles in a toast to their victory and despite the hardships they had faced, they knew that as long as they stood together, they could overcome any obstacle that stood in their way.

The sun began casting long shadows across the desolate landscape, the New England Patriots raised their glasses high and celebrated their triumph over the Skibidi Toilet cult, knowing that they had made a difference in the fight for freedom and justice... they had cleansed the bullsh*t of Atlanta, Georgia and Charleston, South Carolina.


But even Reimu and the rest of the New England Patriots knew that they couldn't get too damn co*cky because while one evil may have fallen, another bastion of evil will always rise to replace the previous evil... this is why Reimu and the New England Patriots had to clean up all of the bullsh*t and slay all of the Skibidi Toilets which had tainted America... to curb those bullsh*t Anarcho-Communist ideals that they've spread like a cancer.

Author's Note: Damn, Usyk might be the P4P 1# boxer in the world right now.

Anti-Toilet Alliance: The Great Hope and Despair - Chapter 24 - 1101Debts (2024)
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Author: Moshe Kshlerin

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Author information

Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

Phone: +2424755286529

Job: District Education Designer

Hobby: Yoga, Gunsmithing, Singing, 3D printing, Nordic skating, Soapmaking, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.