Boost.System: Extensible Error Reporting (2024)

All of the following code snippets assume that these lines

#include <boost/system.hpp>namespace sys = boost::system;

are in effect.

Returning Errors from OS APIs under POSIX

Let’s suppose that we’re implementing a portable file wrapperover the OS file APIs. Its general outline is shown below:

class file{private: int fd_;public: // ... std::size_t read( void * buffer, std::size_t size, sys::error_code& ec ); std::size_t write( void const * buffer, std::size_t size, sys::error_code& ec );};

Since we’re implementing the POSIX version of file, itsdata member is a POSIX file descriptor int fd_;, although otherimplementations will differ.

Our read and write functions return the number of bytes transferred, and signalerrors via the output parameter ec, of type boost::system::error_code.

An implementation of file::read might look like this:

std::size_t file::read( void * buffer, std::size_t size, sys::error_code& ec ){ ssize_t r = ::read( fd_, buffer, size ); if( r < 0 ) { ec.assign( errno, sys::system_category() ); return 0; } ec = {}; // ec.clear(); under C++03 return r;}

We first call the POSIX API read; if it returns an error, we store the errnovalue in ec, using the system category, and return 0 as bytes transferred.Otherwise, we clear ec to signal success, and return the result of ::read.


Clearing ec on successful returns is an important step; do not omit it.

Under POSIX, the system category corresponds to POSIX errno values, which iswhy we use it.

In principle, since the generic category also corresponds to errno valuesunder all platforms, we could have used it here; however, by convention underPOSIX, if the errno value comes from the OS (the "system"), we use the systemcategory for it. That’s because the system category values may be aplatform-specific superset of the generic (platform-independent) values.

The implementation of file::write is basically the same. We show it here forcompleteness:

std::size_t file::write( void const * buffer, std::size_t size, sys::error_code& ec ){ ssize_t r = ::write( fd_, buffer, size ); if( r < 0 ) { ec.assign( errno, sys::system_category() ); return 0; } ec = {}; // ec.clear(); under C++03 return r;}

Returning Errors from OS APIs under Windows

Under Windows, our file object will store a HANDLE instead of an int:

class file{private: HANDLE fh_;public: // as before};

and the implementation of file::read will look like this:

std::size_t file::read( void * buffer, std::size_t size, sys::error_code& ec ){ DWORD r = 0; if( ::ReadFile( fh_, buffer, size, &r, 0 ) ) { // success ec = {}; // ec.clear(); under C++03 } else { // failure ec.assign( ::GetLastError(), sys::system_category() ); } // In both cases, r is bytes transferred return r;}

Here, the system category corresponds to the values defined in the systemheader <winerror.h> and returned by GetLastError(). Since we use theWin32 API ReadFile to implement file::read, and it returns the errorcode via GetLastError(), we again store that value in ec as belongingto the system category.

The implementation of file::write is, again, the same.

std::size_t file::write( void const * buffer, std::size_t size, sys::error_code& ec ){ DWORD r = 0; if( ::WriteFile( fh_, buffer, size, &r, 0 ) ) { ec = {}; // ec.clear(); under C++03 } else { ec.assign( ::GetLastError(), sys::system_category() ); } return r;}

Returning Specific Errors under POSIX

Our implementation of file::read has a problem; it accepts std::size_tvalues for size, but the behavior of ::read is unspecified when therequested value does not fit in ssize_t. To avoid reliance on unspecifiedbehavior, let’s add a check for this condition and return an error:

std::size_t file::read( void * buffer, std::size_t size, sys::error_code& ec ){ if( size > SSIZE_MAX ) { ec.assign( EINVAL, sys::generic_category() ); return 0; } ssize_t r = ::read( fd_, buffer, size ); if( r < 0 ) { ec.assign( errno, sys::system_category() ); return 0; } ec = {}; // ec.clear(); under C++03 return r;}

In this case, since we’re returning the fixed errno value EINVAL, whichis part of the portable subset defined by the generic category, we mark theerror value in ec as belonging to the generic category.

It’s possible to use system as well, as EINVAL is also a system categoryvalue under POSIX; however, using the generic category for values belongingto the portable errno subset is slightly preferrable.

Our implementation of file::write needs to undergo a similar treatment.There, however, we’ll apply another change. When there’s no space left onthe disk, ::write returns a number of bytes written that is lower thanwhat we requested with size, but our function signals no error. We’ll makeit return ENOSPC in this case.

std::size_t file::write( void const * buffer, std::size_t size, sys::error_code& ec ){ if( size > SSIZE_MAX ) { ec.assign( EINVAL, sys::generic_category() ); return 0; } ssize_t r = ::write( fd_, buffer, size ); if( r < 0 ) { ec.assign( errno, sys::system_category() ); return 0; } if( r < size ) { ec.assign( ENOSPC, sys::system_category() ); } else { ec = {}; // ec.clear(); under C++03 } return r;}

We’ve used the system category to make it appear that the ENOSPC valuehas come from the ::write API, mostly to illustrate that this is also apossible approach. Using a generic value would have worked just as well.

Returning Specific Errors under Windows

Not much to say; the situation under Windows is exactly the same. The onlydifference is that we must use the generic category for returning errnovalues. The system category does not work; the integer values in the systemcategory are entirely different from those in the generic category.

std::size_t file::read( void * buffer, std::size_t size, sys::error_code& ec ){ DWORD r = 0; if( size > MAXDWORD ) { ec.assign( EINVAL, sys::generic_category() ); } else if( ::ReadFile( fh_, buffer, size, &r, 0 ) ) { ec = {}; // ec.clear(); under C++03 } else { ec.assign( ::GetLastError(), sys::system_category() ); } return r;}std::size_t file::write( void const * buffer, std::size_t size, sys::error_code& ec ){ DWORD r = 0; if( size > MAXDWORD ) { ec.assign( EINVAL, sys::generic_category() ); } else if( ::WriteFile( fh_, buffer, size, &r, 0 ) ) { if( r < size ) { ec.assign( ENOSPC, sys::generic_category() ); } else { ec = {}; // ec.clear(); under C++03 } } else { ec.assign( ::GetLastError(), sys::system_category() ); } return r;}

Attaching a Source Location to Error Codes

Unlike the standard <system_error>, Boost.System allows source locations(file/line/function) to be stored in error_code, so that functions handlingthe error can display or log the source code location where the error occurred.To take advantage of this functionality, our POSIX file::read function needsto be augmented as follows:

std::size_t file::read( void * buffer, std::size_t size, sys::error_code& ec ){ if( size > SSIZE_MAX ) { static constexpr boost::source_location loc = BOOST_CURRENT_LOCATION; ec.assign( EINVAL, sys::generic_category(), &loc ); return 0; } ssize_t r = ::read( fd_, buffer, size ); if( r < 0 ) { static constexpr boost::source_location loc = BOOST_CURRENT_LOCATION; ec.assign( errno, sys::system_category(), &loc ); return 0; } ec = {}; // ec.clear(); under C++03 return r;}

That is, before every ec.assign statement, we need to declare astatic constexpr variable holding the current source location, then passa pointer to it to assign. Since error_code is small and there’s no spacein it for more than a pointer, we can’t just store the source_location in itby value.

BOOST_CURRENT_LOCATION is a macro expanding to the current source location(a combination of __FILE__, __LINE__, and BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION.)It’s defined and documented in Boost.Assert.

Under C++03, instead of static constexpr, one needs to use static const.Another option is BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR, aBoost.Config macro that expands to eitherstatic constexpr or static const, as appropriate.

To avoid repeating this boilerplate each time we do ec.assign, we can definea macro:

#define ASSIGN(ec, ...) { \ BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR boost::source_location loc = BOOST_CURRENT_LOCATION; \ (ec).assign(__VA_ARGS__, &loc); }

which we can now use to augment, for example, the POSIX implementation of file::write:

std::size_t file::write( void const * buffer, std::size_t size, sys::error_code& ec ){ if( size > SSIZE_MAX ) { ASSIGN( ec, EINVAL, sys::generic_category() ); return 0; } ssize_t r = ::write( fd_, buffer, size ); if( r < 0 ) { ASSIGN( ec, errno, sys::system_category() ); return 0; } if( r < size ) { ASSIGN( ec, ENOSPC, sys::generic_category() ); } else { ec = {}; // ec.clear(); under C++03 } return r;}

Obtaining Textual Representations of Error Codes for Logging and Display

Assuming that we have an error_code instance ec, returned to us by somefunction, we have a variety of means to obtain textual representations of theerror code represented therein.

ec.to_string() gives us the result of streaming ec into a std::ostream,e.g. if std::cout << ec << std::endl; outputs system:6, this is whatec.to_string() will return. (system:6 under Windows is ERROR_INVALID_HANDLEfrom <winerror.h>.)

To obtain a human-readable error message corresponding to this code, we canuse ec.message(). For ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE, it would give us "The handle isinvalid" - possibly localized.

If ec contains a source location, we can obtain its textual representationvia ec.location().to_string(). This will give us something like

C:\Projects\testbed2019\testbed2019.cpp:98 in function 'unsigned __int64 __cdecl file::read(void *,unsigned __int64,class boost::system::error_code &)'

if there is a location in ec, and

(unknown source location)

if there isn’t. (ec.has_location() is true when ec contains a location.)

Finally, ec.what() will give us a string that contains all of the above,something like

The handle is invalid [system:6 at C:\Projects\testbed2019\testbed2019.cpp:98 in function 'unsigned __int64 __cdecl file::read(void *,unsigned __int64,class boost::system::error_code &)']

Most logging and diagnostic output that is not intended for the end user wouldprobably end up using what(). (ec.what(), augmented with the prefixsupplied at construction, is also what boost::system::system_error::what()would return.)

Composing Functions Returning Error Codes

Let’s suppose that we need to implement a file copy function, with the followinginterface:

std::size_t file_copy( file& src, file& dest, sys::error_code& ec );

file_copy uses to read bytes from src, then writes these bytesto dest using dest.write. This continues until one of these operations signalsan error, or until end of file is reached. It returns the number of bytes written,and uses ec to signal an error.

Here is one possible implementation:

std::size_t file_copy( file& src, file& dest, sys::error_code& ec ){ std::size_t r = 0; for( ;; ) { unsigned char buffer[ 1024 ]; std::size_t n = buffer, sizeof( buffer ), ec ); // read failed, leave the error in ec and return if( ec.failed() ) return r; // end of file has been reached, exit loop if( n == 0 ) return r; r += dest.write( buffer, n, ec ); // write failed, leave the error in ec and return if( ec.failed() ) return r; }}

Note that there is no longer any difference between POSIX and Windowsimplementations; their differences are contained in file::read andfile::write. file_copy is portable and works under any platform.

The general pattern in writing such higher-level functions is thatthey pass the output error_code parameter ec they received fromthe caller directly as the output parameter to the lower-level functionsthey are built upon. This way, when they detect a failure in an intermediateoperation (by testing ec.failed()), they can immediately return to thecaller, because the error code is already in its proper place.

Note that file_copy doesn’t even need to clear ec on success, byusing ec = {};. Since we’ve already tested ec.failed(), we know thatec contains a value that means success.

Providing Dual (Throwing and Nonthrowing) Overloads

Functions that signal errors via an output error_code& ec parameterrequire that the caller check ec after calling them, and take appropriateaction (such as return immediately, as above.) Forgetting to check ecresults in logic errors.

While this is a preferred coding style for some, others prefer exceptions,which one cannot forget to check.

An approach that has been introduced byBoost.Filesystem (which later turnedinto std::filesystem) is to provide both alternatives: a nonthrowingfunction taking error_code& ec, as file_copy above, and a throwingfunction that does not take an error_code output parameter, and throwsexceptions on failure.

This is how this second throwing function is typically implemented:

std::size_t file_copy( file& src, file& dest ){ sys::error_code ec; std::size_t r = file_copy( src, dest, ec ); if( ec.failed() ) throw sys::system_error( ec, __func__ ); return r;}

That is, we simply call the nonthrowing overload of file_copy, and ifit signals failure in ec, throw a system_error exception.

We use our function name __func__ ("file_copy") as the prefix,although that’s a matter of taste.

Note that typically under this style the overloads taking error_code& ecare decorated with noexcept, so that it’s clear that they don’t throwexceptions (although we haven’t done so in the preceding examples in orderto keep the code C++03-friendly.)

result<T> as an Alternative to Dual APIs

Instead of providing two functions for every operation, an alternativeapproach is to make the function return sys::result<T> instead of T.result<T> is a class holding either T or error_code, similar tovariant<T, error_code>.

Clients that prefer to check for errors and not rely on exceptions cantest whether a result<T> r contains a value via if( r ) or its moreverbose equivalent if( r.has_value() ), then obtain the value via*r or r.value(). If r doesn’t contain a value, the error_codeit holds can be obtained with r.error().

Those who prefer exceptions just call r.value() directly, withoutchecking. In the no-value case, this will automatically throw asystem_error corresponding to the error_code in r.

Assuming our base file API is unchanged, this variation of file_copywould look like this:

sys::result<std::size_t> file_copy( file& src, file& dest ){ std::size_t r = 0; sys::error_code ec; for( ;; ) { unsigned char buffer[ 1024 ]; std::size_t n = buffer, sizeof( buffer ), ec ); if( ec.failed() ) return ec; if( n == 0 ) return r; r += dest.write( buffer, n, ec ); if( ec.failed() ) return ec; }}

The only difference here is that we return ec on error, instead ofr.

Note, however, that we can no longer return both an error code and anumber of transferred bytes; that is, we can no longer signal partialsuccess. This is often not an issue at higher levels, but lower-levelprimitives such as file::read and file::write might be better offwritten using the old style.

Nevertheless, to demonstrate how result returning APIs are composed,we’ll show how file_copy would look if file::read and file::writereturned result<size_t>:

class file{public: // ... sys::result<std::size_t> read( void * buffer, std::size_t size ); sys::result<std::size_t> write( void const * buffer, std::size_t size );};sys::result<std::size_t> file_copy( file& src, file& dest ){ std::size_t m = 0; for( ;; ) { unsigned char buffer[ 1024 ]; auto r = buffer, sizeof( buffer ) ); if( !r ) return r; std::size_t n = *r; if( n == 0 ) return m; auto r2 = dest.write( buffer, n ); if( !r2 ) return r2; std::size_t n2 = *r2; m += n2; }}

Testing for Specific Error Conditions

Let’s suppose that we have called a function that signals failureusing error_code, we have passed it an error_code variable ec,and now for some reason want to check whether the function hasfailed with an error code of EINVAL, "invalid argument".

Since error_code can be compared for equality, our first instictmight be if( ec == error_code( EINVAL, generic_category() ).

This is wrong, and we should never do it.

First, under POSIX, the function might have returned EINVAL fromthe system category (because the error might have been returned byan OS API, and not by the function itself, as was the case in ourread and write implementations.)

Since error_code comparisons are exact, EINVAL from the genericcategory does not compare equal to EINVAL from the system category.

(And before you start thinking about just comparing ec.value() toEINVAL, read on.)

Second, under Windows, the function might have returned error_code(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, system_category() ). As we have alreadymentioned, the integer error values in the system category underWindows are completely unrelated to the integer errno values.

The correct approach is to compare ec not to specific error codes,but to error_condition( EINVAL, generic_category() ). Errorconditions are a platform-independent way to represent the meaningof the concrete error codes. In our case, all error codes, underboth POSIX and Windows, that represent EINVAL will compare equalto error_condition( EINVAL, generic_category() ).

In short, you should never compare error codes to error codes, andshould compare them to error conditions instead. This is the purposeof the error_condition class, which is very frequently misunderstood.


if( ec == sys::error_condition( EINVAL, sys::generic_category() ) ){ // handle EINVAL}

is a bit verbose, Boost.System provides enumerator values for theerrno values against which an error code can be compared directly.

These enumerators are defined in <boost/system/errc.hpp>,and enable the above test to be written

if( ec == sys::errc::invalid_argument ){ // handle EINVAL}

which is what one should generally use for testing for a specific errorcondition, as a best practice.

Adapting Existing Integer Error Values

Libraries with C (or extern "C") APIs often signal failure by returninga library-specific integer error code (with zero typically being reservedfor "no error".) When writing portable C++ wrappers, we need to decidehow to expose these error codes, and using error_code is a good way todo it.

Because the integer error codes are library specific, and in general matchneither errno values or system category values, we need to define alibrary-specific error category.

Adapting SQLite Errors

We’ll take SQLite as an example. The general outline of a custom errorcategory is as follows:

class sqlite3_category_impl: public sys::error_category{ // TODO add whatever's needed here};sys::error_category const& sqlite3_category(){ static const sqlite3_category_impl instance; return instance;}

which can then be used similarly to the predefined generic and systemcategories:

int r = some_sqlite3_function( ... );ec.assign( r, sqlite3_category() );

If we try to compile the above category definition as-is, it will complainabout our not implementing two pure virtual member functions, name andmessage, so at minimum, we’ll need to add these. In addition, we’ll alsoimplement the non-allocating overload of message. It’s not pure virtual,but its default implementation calls the std::string-returning overload,and that’s almost never what one wants. (This default implementation is onlyprovided for backward compatibility, in order to not break existinguser-defined categories that were written before this overload was added.)

So, the minimum we need to implement is this:

class sqlite3_category_impl: public sys::error_category{public: const char * name() const noexcept; std::string message( int ev ) const; char const * message( int ev, char * buffer, std::size_t len ) const noexcept;};

name is easy, it just returns the category name:

const char * sqlite3_category_impl::name() const noexcept{ return "sqlite3";}

message is used to obtain an error message given an integer error code.SQLite provides the function sqlite3_errstr for this, so we don’t needto do any work:

std::string sqlite3_category_impl::message( int ev ) const{ return sqlite3_errstr( ev );}char const * sqlite3_category_impl::message( int ev, char * buffer, std::size_t len ) const noexcept{ std::snprintf( buffer, len, "%s", sqlite3_errstr( ev ) ); return buffer;}

and we’re done. sqlite3_category() can now be used like the predefinedcategories, and we can put an SQLite error code int r into a Boost.Systemerror_code ec by means of ec.assign( r, sqlite3_category() ).

Adapting ZLib Errors

Another widely used C library is ZLib, and the portion of zlib.h thatdefines its error codes is shown below:

#define Z_OK 0#define Z_STREAM_END 1#define Z_NEED_DICT 2#define Z_ERRNO (-1)#define Z_STREAM_ERROR (-2)#define Z_DATA_ERROR (-3)#define Z_MEM_ERROR (-4)#define Z_BUF_ERROR (-5)#define Z_VERSION_ERROR (-6)/* Return codes for the compression/decompression functions. Negative values * are errors, positive values are used for special but normal events. */

There are three relevant differences with the previous case of SQLite:

  • While for SQLite all non-zero values were errors, as is the typical case,here negative values are errors, but positive values are "special but normal",that is, they represent success, not failure;

  • ZLib does not provide a function that returns the error message correspondingto a specific error code;

  • When Z_ERRNO is returned, the error code should be retrieved from errno.

Our category implementation will look like this:

class zlib_category_impl: public sys::error_category{public: const char * name() const noexcept; std::string message( int ev ) const; char const * message( int ev, char * buffer, std::size_t len ) const noexcept; bool failed( int ev ) const noexcept;};sys::error_category const& zlib_category(){ static const zlib_category_impl instance; return instance;}

As usual, the implementation of name is trivial:

const char * zlib_category_impl::name() const noexcept{ return "zlib";}

We’ll need to work a bit harder to implement message this time, as there’sno preexisting function to lean on:

char const * zlib_category_impl::message( int ev, char * buffer, std::size_t len ) const noexcept{ switch( ev ) { case Z_OK: return "No error"; case Z_STREAM_END: return "End of stream"; case Z_NEED_DICT: return "A dictionary is needed"; case Z_ERRNO: return "OS API error"; case Z_STREAM_ERROR: return "Inconsistent stream state or invalid argument"; case Z_DATA_ERROR: return "Data error"; case Z_MEM_ERROR: return "Out of memory"; case Z_BUF_ERROR: return "Insufficient buffer space"; case Z_VERSION_ERROR: return "Library version mismatch"; } std::snprintf( buffer, len, "Unknown zlib error %d", ev ); return buffer;}

This is a typical implementation of the non-throwing message overload. Notethat message is allowed to return something different from buffer, whichmeans that we can return character literals directly, without copying theminto the supplied buffer first. This allows our function to return the correctmessage text even when the buffer is too small.

The std::string overload of message is now trivial:

std::string zlib_category_impl::message( int ev ) const{ char buffer[ 64 ]; return this->message( ev, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );}

Finally, we need to implement failed, in order to override its defaultbehavior of returning true for all nonzero values:

bool zlib_category_impl::failed( int ev ) const noexcept{ return ev < 0;}

This completes the implementation of zlib_category() and takes care of thefirst two bullets above, but we still haven’t addressed the third one; namely,that we need to retrieve the error from errno in the Z_ERRNO case.

To do that, we’ll define a helper function that would be used to assign a ZLiberror code to an error_code:

void assign_zlib_error( sys::error_code & ec, int r ){ if( r != Z_ERRNO ) { ec.assign( r, zlib_category() ); } else { ec.assign( errno, sys::generic_category() ); }}

so that, instead of using ec.assign( r, zlib_category() ) directly, codewould do

int r = some_zlib_function( ... );assign_zlib_error( ec, r );

We can stop here, as this covers everything we set out to do, but we can takean extra step and enable source locations for our error codes. For that, we’llneed to change assign_zlib_error to take a source_location:

void assign_zlib_error( sys::error_code & ec, int r, boost::source_location const* loc ){ if( r != Z_ERRNO ) { ec.assign( r, zlib_category(), loc ); } else { ec.assign( errno, sys::generic_category(), loc ); }}

Define a helper macro to avoid the boilerplate of defining the staticconstexpr source location object each time:

#define ASSIGN_ZLIB_ERROR(ec, r) { \ BOOST_STATIC_CONSTEXPR boost::source_location loc = BOOST_CURRENT_LOCATION; \ assign_zlib_error( ec, r, &loc ); }

And then use the macro instead of the function:

int r = some_zlib_function( ... );ASSIGN_ZLIB_ERROR( ec, r );

Supporting Comparisons against Conditions

We notice that some of the ZLib error codes correspond to portable errnoconditions. Z_STREAM_ERROR, for instance, is returned in cases wherePOSIX functions would have returned EINVAL; Z_MEM_ERROR is ENOMEM;and Z_BUF_ERROR, insufficient space in the output buffer to store theresult, roughly corresponds to ERANGE, result out of range.

To encode this relationship, we need to implement eitherdefault_error_condition or equivalent in our category. Since we havea simple one to one mapping, the former will suffice:

class zlib_category_impl: public sys::error_category{public: const char * name() const noexcept; std::string message( int ev ) const; char const * message( int ev, char * buffer, std::size_t len ) const noexcept; bool failed( int ev ) const noexcept; sys::error_condition default_error_condition( int ev ) const noexcept;};

The implementation is straightforward:

sys::error_condition zlib_category_impl::default_error_condition( int ev ) const noexcept{ switch( ev ) { case Z_OK: return sys::error_condition(); case Z_STREAM_ERROR: return sys::errc::invalid_argument; case Z_MEM_ERROR: return sys::errc::not_enough_memory; case Z_BUF_ERROR: return sys::errc::result_out_of_range; } return sys::error_condition( ev, *this );}

Once this is added, we will be able to compare a ZLib error_code ec againsterrc enumerators:

if( ec == sys::errc::not_enough_memory ){ // Z_MEM_ERROR, or ENOMEM}

Defining Library-Specific Error Codes

Let’s suppose that we are writing a library libmyimg for reading somehypothetical image format, and that we have defined the following APIfunction for that:

namespace libmyimg{struct image;void load_image( file& f, image& im, sys::error_code& ec );} // namespace libmyimg

(using our portable file class from the preceding examples.)

Our hypothetical image format is simple, consisting of a fixed header,followed by the image data, so an implementation of load_image mighthave the following structure:

namespace libmyimg{struct image_header{ uint32_t signature; uint32_t width; uint32_t height; uint32_t bits_per_pixel; uint32_t channels;};void load_image_header( file& f, image_header& im, sys::error_code& ec );struct image;void load_image( file& f, image& im, sys::error_code& ec ){ image_header ih = {}; load_image_header( f, ih, ec ); if( ec.failed() ) return; if( ih.signature != 0xFF0AD71A ) { // return an "invalid signature" error } if( ih.width == 0 ) { // return an "invalid width" error } if( ih.height == 0 ) { // return an "invalid height" error } if( ih.bits_per_pixel != 8 ) { // return an "unsupported bit depth" error } if( ih.channels != 1 && ih.channels != 3 && ih.channels != 4 ) { // return an "unsupported channel count" error } // initialize `im` and read image data // ...}} // namespace libmyimg

We can see that we need to define five error codes of our own. (Our functioncan also return other kinds of failures in ec — those will come fromfile::read which load_image_header will use to read the header.)

To define these errors, we’ll use a scoped enumeration type. (This examplewill take advantage of C++11 features.)

namespace libmyimg{enum class error{ success = 0, invalid_signature, invalid_width, invalid_height, unsupported_bit_depth, unsupported_channel_count};} // namespace libmyimg

Boost.System supports being told that an enumeration type represents an errorcode, which enables implicit conversions between the enumeration type anderror_code. It’s done by specializing the is_error_code_enum type trait,which resides in namespace boost::system like the rest of the library:

namespace boost{namespace system{template<> struct is_error_code_enum< ::libmyimg::error >: std::true_type{};} // namespace system} // namespace boost

Once this is in place, we can now assign values of libmyimg::error tosys::error_code, which enables the implementation of load_image to bewritten as follows:

void load_image( file& f, image& im, sys::error_code& ec ){ image_header ih = {}; load_image_header( f, ih, ec ); if( ec.failed() ) return; if( ih.signature != 0xFF0AD71A ) { ec = error::invalid_signature; return; } if( ih.width == 0 ) { ec = error::invalid_width; return; } if( ih.height == 0 ) { ec = error::invalid_height; return; } if( ih.bits_per_pixel != 8 ) { ec = error::unsupported_bit_depth; return; } if( ih.channels != 1 && ih.channels != 3 && ih.channels != 4 ) { ec = error::unsupported_channel_count; return; } // initialize `image` and read image data // ...}

This is however not enough; we still need to define the error categoryfor our enumerators, and associate them with it.

The first step follows our previous two examples very closely:

namespace libmyimg{class myimg_category_impl: public sys::error_category{public: const char * name() const noexcept; std::string message( int ev ) const; char const * message( int ev, char * buffer, std::size_t len ) const noexcept;};const char * myimg_category_impl::name() const noexcept{ return "libmyimg";}std::string myimg_category_impl::message( int ev ) const{ char buffer[ 64 ]; return this->message( ev, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );}char const * myimg_category_impl::message( int ev, char * buffer, std::size_t len ) const noexcept{ switch( static_cast<error>( ev ) ) { case error::success: return "No error"; case error::invalid_signature: return "Invalid image signature"; case error::invalid_width: return "Invalid image width"; case error::invalid_height: return "Invalid image height"; case error::unsupported_bit_depth: return "Unsupported bit depth"; case error::unsupported_channel_count: return "Unsupported number of channels"; } std::snprintf( buffer, len, "Unknown libmyimg error %d", ev ); return buffer;}sys::error_category const& myimg_category(){ static const myimg_category_impl instance; return instance;}} // namespace libmyimg

The second step involves implementing a function make_error_code inthe namespace of our enumeration type error that takes error andreturns boost::system::error_code:

namespace libmyimg{sys::error_code make_error_code( error e ){ return sys::error_code( static_cast<int>( e ), myimg_category() );}} // namespace libmyimg

Now load_image will compile, and we just need to fill the rest of itsimplementation with code that uses file::read to read the image data.

There’s one additional embellishment we can make. As we know, Boost.Systemwas proposed for, and accepted into, the C++11 standard, and now there’sa standard implementation of it in <system_error>. We can make ourerror enumeration type compatible with std::error_code as well, byspecializing the standard type trait std::is_error_code_enum:

namespace std{template<> struct is_error_code_enum< ::libmyimg::error >: std::true_type{};} // namespace std

This makes our enumerators convertible to std::error_code.

(The reason this works is that boost::system::error_code is convertibleto std::error_code, so the return value of our make_error_code overloadcan be used to initialize a std::error_code.)

Defining Library-Specific Error Conditions

All of the libmyimg::error error codes we have so far represent the sameerror condition - invalid or unsupported image format. It might make sense toenable testing for this condition without the need to enumerate all fivespecific codes. To do this, we can define an error condition enumeration type:

namespace libmyimg{enum class condition{ invalid_format = 1};} // namespace libmyimg

which we can tag as representing an error condition by specializingis_error_condition_enum:

namespace boost{namespace system{template<> struct is_error_condition_enum< ::libmyimg::condition >: std::true_type{};} // namespace system} // namespace boostnamespace std{template<> struct is_error_condition_enum< ::libmyimg::condition >: std::true_type{};} // namespace std

Similarly to the error code enumeration type, which needed a make_error_codeoverload, this one will need to have a make_error_condition overload, and acategory.

It’s in principle possible to reuse the category we already defined for ourerror codes, by making the condition values start from, say, 10000 instead of1. This saves some typing, but a better practice is to use a separate categoryfor the error conditions. So that’s what we’ll do:

namespace libmyimg{class myimg_condition_category_impl: public sys::error_category{public: const char * name() const noexcept; std::string message( int ev ) const; char const * message( int ev, char * buffer, std::size_t len ) const noexcept;};const char * myimg_condition_category_impl::name() const noexcept{ return "libmyimg_condition";}std::string myimg_condition_category_impl::message( int ev ) const{ char buffer[ 64 ]; return this->message( ev, buffer, sizeof( buffer ) );}char const * myimg_condition_category_impl::message( int ev, char * buffer, std::size_t len ) const noexcept{ switch( static_cast<condition>( ev ) ) { case condition::invalid_format: return "Invalid or unsupported image format"; } std::snprintf( buffer, len, "Unknown libmyimg condition %d", ev ); return buffer;}sys::error_category const& myimg_condition_category(){ static const myimg_condition_category_impl instance; return instance;}sys::error_condition make_error_condition( condition e ){ return sys::error_condition( static_cast<int>( e ), myimg_condition_category() );}} // namespace libmyimg

We have our condition, but it doesn’t do anything yet. To enablelibmyimg::condition::invalid_format to compare equal to our error codes,we need to implement default_error_condition in the error code category:

namespace libmyimg{class myimg_category_impl: public sys::error_category{public: const char * name() const noexcept; std::string message( int ev ) const; char const * message( int ev, char * buffer, std::size_t len ) const noexcept; sys::error_condition default_error_condition( int ev ) const noexcept;};sys::error_condition myimg_category_impl::default_error_condition( int ev ) const noexcept{ switch( static_cast<error>( ev ) ) { case error::success: return {}; case error::invalid_signature: case error::invalid_width: case error::invalid_height: case error::unsupported_bit_depth: case error::unsupported_channel_count: return condition::invalid_format; } return sys::error_condition( ev, *this );}} // namespace libmyimg

That’s it; now ec == libmyimg::condition::invalid_format can be used to testwhether ec contains one of our error codes corresponding to the "invalidimage format" condition.

Boost.System: Extensible Error Reporting (2024)
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