Casper Morning Star from Casper, Wyoming (2024)

Monday, Sept. 17, 1956 7 The Casper Tribune-Herald 1 Wool Growers Executive Committee Convenes Mere IDA BAILEY ALLEN State Bidders Low on Color Printing Job CHEYENNE UR The Wyoming Game and Fish Dept. Baid that three state firms submitted offers lower than that of the sole Colorado bidder for color printing of the department's monthly magazine "Wyominj Wildlife." I Two Fabulous Desserts Discovered in Jersey tile labeling, according to J. Byron Wilson, secretary of the Wyoming Wool Growers Association. Principal subjects, however, will be th level of incentive payments cn the 1957 clip and the activities of the American Sheep Producers Council.

The present level of Incentive payments is 62 cents. Wool growers ar advocating a higher payment. .1 The Executive Committee of the Wyoming Wool Growers Association was scheduled to meet here at 2 p.m. Monday, a day in advance of the Ram Sale. Every wool grower in the state was invited to attend this open meeting.

The program for the annual convention to be held in Buffalo Nov. 27-29 was to be discussed, as well as the advertising and promotion program of the American Sheep Producers Council, the incentive payment plan on both wool and wool on feeder lambs, and land and forest questions. The committee also planned to discuss the situation relative to tex v. ft ually adding e. sugar.

Fold Into the first mixture. Pour into the piecrust shell; chill 4 hrs. Spread with slightly sweetened, lemon-flavored whipped cream. Apple Cranberry Pineapple Mold: Sprinkle l'i envelopes unflavored gelatin over c. cold water.

Bring l'i c. canned pineapple juice to a boil. Stir in the gelatin. When dissolved, add 'I c. cranberry co*cktail, 1 c.

small-diced peeled tart apple, c. crushed panned pineapple and 'i c. choppsd hutmeats. Add sugar to taste. Rinse individual molds with cold water.

Spoon in the gelatin. Refrigerate 4 hrs. Garnish of lettuce and whipped cream cheese. Utah Man Again Heads Rambouillet Breeders Dr. John H.

Beal, Cedar City, Utah, was re-elected president of the American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders Association at the annual meeting held in Ogden, Utah. Mrs. Russell G. Harlow of Saa Angelo, Texas, secretary of the association, said the organization has funds which will make possible a special promotion program. Suffolk Group Elects Walter P.

Hubbard, Junction City, was elected president of the American Suffolk Sheep Society at a meeting held in connection with the National Ram Sale at Ogden, Utah. ON a summer morning, the Chef and I started on a long-anticipated tour through New Jersey, the Garden State, as guests of the N. J. Secretary of Agriculture, Phillip Alampi. Our guides for the day were Gerald E.

Zich, New Jersey poultry marketing specialist of the State Department of Agriculture, and Mrs. Zich, an agricultural reporter. En route to Flemington, they explained the. day's schedule: visits to a large poultry breeding and egg farm, a new cooperative egg certification plant, the famous Fleming-ton auction market, then to a turkey farm. Between these trips, there were to be brief visits en route to local homemakers.

Dinner was scheduled at the delightful Colligan's Stockton Inn and. for the evening, a visit to the Lambertville Music Circus, held in a huge tent ssating 500, to see "Plain and Fancy." RURAL HOMEMAKERS By the time we had made notes on the schedule and were briefed on the important agricultural men and rural homemakers we were to meet, Mr. Zich swung up to the Union Hotel in Flemington. Our host for luncheon was the Fleming-ton Market Auction Cooperative Association. r.

-m I Game and Fish Commissioner A. F. C. Greene said following the bid opening that if the commission decides to change- the magazine from' a black and white to color publication, a Wyoming firm will receive Ihe contract. When the department announced it was seeking out of state bids for the possible switch to color printing a strong protest was made by Adrian Reynolds of Green River, Wyoming Press Assn.

president. Reynolds contended the work should be kept in the state to help local industry develop. In reply, the commission said it had sought out of state bids because few Wyoming printing firms were equipped to. handle large multi-color jobs. In addition the commission said all put tof state bids would be considered under' the five per cent handicap imposed by the State Legislature.

Decision on vhether the magazine will switch to four colors will be made at the next commission meeting, not yet scheduled. Greene said bids from Pioneer Printing Co. of Cheyenne, Mills Publishing Co. of Sheridan and Prairie Publishing Co. of Casper w-ere all lower than the bid of A.

B. Hirschfeld Press Co. of Denver, amount of bids were not Use Tribune-Herald. Want Ada Today's Thought Gem Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery Finds Healing Substance That Does Both Relieves Pain Shrinks Hemorrhoids Never absent from your post, never off guard, never ill-humored, never unready to work for God, is obedience; being "faithful over a few "things." Mary Baker Eddy "Pilea astonishing' statements like Iw T.rk, K. V.

SpecUIFor the first time science has found a new healing substance with the astonishing ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to relieve pain without surgery. In case after case, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction (shrinkage) took place. Most amazing of all results were a thorough that sufferers mad have ceased to be a problem! The secret is a new healing substance (Bio-Dyne) discovery of a world-famous research institute. This substance is now available in suppository or ointment form under the name Preparation At your druggist. Money back guarantee.

Adv. 'Kts, C. a Pmi oc Week's Sewing Buy GROOMING THE ENTRIES: Rams shortly to be put on the auction block should look their Sunday best. These Rambouillets were clipped and curried Sunday for the annual Wyoming Ram Sale. Shown at work are Buss Hale (left) of the Cunningham Sheep Pendeton, and Lee Olson, Salt City (Tribune-Herald Photo).

Casper I generally expected," Mr. Wilson said. His comments were made ha letter Sept. 5 to Bob Latta, manager of the Central Wyoming Fair Grounds, where the Wyoming Slam Sale will be held. Mr.

Wilson arrived in Casper Sunday night to be on hand for the Ram Sale. Australian Wool Prices Are Higher The menu featured foods for which New Jersey is famous: smoked turkey, eggs, fresh fruits and vegetables, cranberries and a fabulous "Sunnysilver Pie." LUNCHEON Shrimp co*cktail Fresh Jersey Vegetable Soup Smoked Turkey Plate with Pink Pickled Eggs, Beets -and Tomatoes Potato Salad Sunnysilver Pie or Apple-Cranberry-Pineapple Dessert Mold Coffee All measurements are level Recipes Proportioned to Serve 4 to Sunnysilver Pie (Courtesy of Union Hotel, Flemington, N.J.): Bake a plain piecrust shell. Sprinkle Vi envelopes unflavored gelatin over c. cold water. Separate 4 eggs.

Drop the yolks into the top of a small double boiler. Beat until light and fluffy. Add c. sugar, Vi c. lemon juice, 1 tsp.

grated lemon rind and tsp. salt. Cook-stir over hot water until thickened. Remove from the water. Stir in the gelatin.

When dissolved, cool. Ft. Casper Chapter Of OES Holds Meet Ft. Casper Chapter No. 4, OES, held their regular meeting Thursday.

Several visitors from out-of-town were guests at the session. The guests were Pear Jansen from Ft. More, Mr. and Mrs. Con Anderson of Kansas City, Jean Van Burskirt from Iowa, Florence Cook from Ft.

Bent, Grace Clark of Worland, and Jeanie Jones of Thermopolis. Mrs. Russell Clapp gave a report on the Grand Chapter meeting, which was held in Torrington. Chairmen for the evening committee were Mr. and Mrs.

Osto Heath. They were assisted by Mr. and Mrs. Emil Nielsen, Stella Dum-bleton, Lela Anderson, Jeanette Casper Most Complete Store" TUESDAY SPECIAL MEN'S WESTERN The Australian wool auctions which opened Aug. 27 opened from 3 to 5 cents a clean pound higher than the close of the sales in early July combing and French combing length on an equal basis with the Australian wools, it would mean that our wools would be about $1.45.

so that the difference in favor of the foreign wools and fine wools would be approximately 29 cents. In other words, comparable fine wools in this country are at the present time selling at approximately 29 cents per clean pound below the equivalent grade of Australian wools." Mr. Wilson added that the demand this fall for breeding ewes is stronger than it has been for several years and prices have been working higher right along. Lamb prices are higher this year than they were a year ago the price of aged ewes is materially higher than it was a year ago. There seems to be a good demand for breeding ewes of all classes, including aged ewes.

"While the Boston wool market is considerably lower than the foreign markets on comparable wools, nevertheless it has had an advance of at least 5 to 7 cents per grease pound since shearing time, and it is expected that the prices there will advance still further if the prices in Australia continue firm, as is Wyoming Bar To Meet In Rawlins in 1956 SHERIDAN The Wyoming Bar Assn. wound up its annual convention Saturday by selecting Rawlins as the site of its 1957 convention. Dates will be Aug. 29-31. The convention also selected Jan.

11 and 12 in Cheyenne for the Bar Association Legislative Committee meeting. Oct. 11-13 are tentative dates set for a Wyoming traffic court conference to be sponsored jointly by Gov. Milward L. Simpson and the bar association.

The University of Wyoming law school in Laramie is the tentative site. Burdick, Marvel Hitt and Hugh Braver. Wonderful Selection Famous Brands Regular 4.93 Value ONE DAY ONLY of this year, and the sales this year opened from 17 to about 27 cents a clean pound higher than the opening sales on the same date one sear ago. Clearances at the Australian auctions have been extremely good and practically all of the wool effered has been sold, according to J. Byron Wilson of McKinley, secretary of the Wyoming Wool Growers Association.

"To compare prices." Mr. Wilson said in a recent report, "type 73 Australian is the grade and type Left Shoes Are Clue To Gasoline Thieves BETHLEHEM, Pa. iff! Cinderella's prince has nothing on the Bethlehem police in matching shoes to feet to find a mysterious $377 Each Beat the 4 egg whites stiff, grad- Friendship Group Meets on Friday The Academy of Friendship Committee held its monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Paul Olson, committee Chairman, on Friday eve- somebody. urn usually used to compare with our fine French combing and combing 64s-70s wools in this country.

These wools in this country are selling for $1.35 and in Australia are selling on the basis of $1.74 clean landed Bos 9329 The Bethlehem authorities reported two thieves literally jumped out of their shoes while they were attempting to steal gasoline. The cause: The gasoline ignited. Found at the scene were one each of a size 9 and a size 7 moccasin both for the left foot. Police quickly pressed their search for a pair of hop-scotching footpads, using moccasins instead of the traditional ton, duty paid, but, of course, there is a difference in the price of these wools due to the fact that the Aus niPK Members attending were the Mesdames Roy Gosnell, Glen Donaldson, Allan McDonald, Clifford Boggs, Frances Sheppard, and lone Thoren. After the business meeting, a penny march was held with the prize awarded to Mrs.

Glen Don tralian wools are not only skirted, but sorted, but that is usually figured about 10 cents a clean pound, so to put our fine territory wools of glass slipper. Save money. Sew that cute cor duroy, cotton, or wool outfit daugh- aldson. Mrs. Olson served refresh A Heartit ments at the close of the meeting The committee will meet at the home of John Walker in is 1 wr Mills on Oct.

12. The meeting will be a Halloween party. On Wednesday, Sept. 19, the teer ana a arm Women of the Moose will have their regular Wednesday afternoon par ter needs. This pattern is so basic you'll whip it up in jiffy time-even if you're a beginner.

Blouse, Jumper, jacket mix-mates that double her wardrobe. Pattern 9329: Child's Sizes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Size 6 jacket and jumper, yard 35-inch fabric. Send Thirty-five cents in coins for this pattern add 5 cents for each pattern for lst-class mailing. Send to Marian Martin, care of the Casper Tribune-Herald, 26 Pattern 232 West 18th New York 11, N.

Y. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS with ZONE, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. ty at the Moose Home. They will BIG MERCHANDISE AUCTION Thurs.Sept.20-7P.M. Bedroom Sets Living Room Sets Dining Room Sets Consign your merchandise with us.

CASPER SALES PAVILION Dial 2-4969 H. Moyf ield hold their regular meeting that evening. Members are urged to at tend to hear delegates report on the International Conference held In Chicago recently. The executive committee and Welcome to AjI Wyoming Wool Growers committe chairmen are asked to meet with the deputy grand regent. Mrs.

Lucille Bird of Laramie, on Thursday evening, Sept. 20, at the Moose Home. ET- itV' Club Notes WOOL GROWERS With Fall comes a Coolness by All But you'll always find the Warmest hospitality at The Progressive Guild Club will hold a rummage sale at the Kist-ler Warehouse on Sept. 18-19. The sale will be open all day beginning at 10 a.m.

on Tuesday and from 10 a.m. to noon on Casper's Leading Hotel" Ready to serve you WELCOME TO GASPER and the WYOMING RAM SALE with all of the very best May we extend a Cordial Welcome to dine in the Friendly Atmosphere "of our Peaco*ck Lounge (famous for co*cktails entertainment nightly) or in our Dining Room. And Remember, for an Exceptionally Delightful Evening, Start with the "Tuesday Buffet Supper" served in the Beautiful Crystal Room from 6:00 to 9:30 P.M. Make Your Visit More Enjoyable By Making SCHOLARSHIPS FOR SALE Promising students unable to qualify for scholarships are sometimes forced to forego their higher education through lack of funds. A Sun Life College Policy will provide a guaranteed "scholarship" to take your son through college.

Ensure your eon's future call me today. SU4 LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF, CANADA 7. 3-3771 Uc! "Casner's Correct Atldrcss" iffil If) III I Afi Department Store Walter E. Woods 19 Townsend Bid. Phone 2-2784 1S6 S.

Center Your Shopping Headquarters for Discriminating Brand Names IX.

Casper Morning Star from Casper, Wyoming (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

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Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.