Enjoy the Story/Game, skip the Game/Story (2024)

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TheLivingDrawing Lucas the Dreamer from The Town of Clayton Since: Apr, 2019 Relationship Status: Yes, I'm alone, but I'm alone and free

Lucas the Dreamer

#1: Nov 20th 2022 at 6:03:02 AM

This is a trope I’ve seen some entries that are debatable. I saw someone added a Enjoy the Story, Skip the Game for Video Game/Omori, a game whose gameplay is widely praised. I deleted it because, to my understanding, the trope only applies when the gameplay is only worth sitting through for the story. However someone messaged me saying that some people do say they preferred the story in Omori to the gameplay.

  • Enjoy the Story, Skip the Game: The game's few detractors tend to find its gameplay pacing to be a detriment to its story instead of an aid to it, but even they tend to see the story as touching. Given that the RPG segments are mainly focused in Headspace which is meant to be an escape from reality and the only "big" RPG segment in Faraway Town is the possibly hallucinatory Recycultists, it's possibly intentional, especially since the RPG elements are expanded on the Hikikomori route, where the actual main story is explicitly rejected.

Is this a valid example?

Edited by TheLivingDrawing on Nov 20th 2022 at 9:04:39 AM

Why waste time when you can see the last sunset last?

RandomTroper123 She / Her from I'll let you guess... (Not-So-Newbie) Relationship Status: [TOP SECRET]

She / Her

#2: Nov 21st 2022 at 9:46:06 AM

I think this is a better question for the "Is this an example?" thread.

TantaMonty Since: Aug, 2017

#3: Nov 21st 2022 at 10:47:40 AM

Enjoy the Story/Game, skip the Game/Story (4)Enjoy the Story/Game, skip the Game/Story (5) A game can qualify for this trope even if its gameplay doesn't suck: "There are many reasons why this might happen: (...) sometimes it's purely subjective taste." The trope's only criterion is that "there is evidence that criticism or fan reaction towards the game in question focuses more on the story at the expense of the gameplay."

The entry in question is very confusing to someone who has no idea what the game is about, so it's hard to evaluate its validity. Even then, some sentences suggest that the criticisms only apply to an insignificant amount of players ("The game's few detractors tend to find..."), and also contains Speculative Troping ("it's possibly intentional").

Edited by TantaMonty on Nov 21st 2022 at 10:47:54 AM

Vilui Since: May, 2009

#4: Nov 21st 2022 at 11:02:34 AM

Wish I could remember the page, but I saw a page earlier today that had both of these listed. Definitely feels like it's more of a complaint magnet than a genuine majority reaction.

GenericGuy2000 I’m here, I guess. from a generic place. Since: Aug, 2021 Relationship Status: Cast away

I’m here, I guess.

#5: Nov 21st 2022 at 12:48:50 PM

Enjoy the Story/Game, skip the Game/Story (8)Was it by chance this page?

I’m gonna put some Gloom in your eye.

VerySunshine Since: May, 2016 Relationship Status: Love blinded me (with science!)

#6: Nov 23rd 2022 at 3:23:53 PM

For what it's worth, I've only heard praise on both sides. The only complaint I heard was about a translation error.

  • Enjoy the Story, Skip the Game: Not the case for the main game (Chapter 1-7 and by extension Chapter 8) since that is considered to be reasonably challenging, but the game starts getting more and more difficult, to the point where many players vent about being forced to use Assist Mode in order to get the rest of the story.
  • Play the Game, Skip the Story: Conversely, the game's twitch reflex platformer with a scaling difficulty sometimes comes into sharp relief with the story of a Broken Bird slowly dealing with depression and anxiety. It often sidetracks into discussions on how to subjectively grapple with these issues. Often it can feel like it's slowing down the gameplay.

Edited by VerySunshine on Nov 23rd 2022 at 8:22:39 AM

TheLivingDrawing Lucas the Dreamer from The Town of Clayton Since: Apr, 2019 Relationship Status: Yes, I'm alone, but I'm alone and free

Lucas the Dreamer

#7: Nov 28th 2022 at 8:58:11 AM

Would Sonic Frontiers count for Enjoy the Story, Skip the Game? The story has seen unanimous praise while reception the gameplay is more mixed and even many people who positively reviewed the game said the gameplay was rough in many places.

Edited by TheLivingDrawing on Nov 28th 2022 at 11:59:28 AM

Why waste time when you can see the last sunset last?

Amonimus the Retromancer from <<|Wiki Talk|>> (Sergeant) Relationship Status: In another castle

the Retromancer

#8: Nov 28th 2022 at 9:18:34 AM

This doesn't fit the purpose of Projects: Long Term if it discusses only specific examples. May be worth hollering to be moved to Trope Talk.

  • Re OMORI: The example needs more focus. Yes the story is considered phenomenal, can't tell if people complain enough about the gameplay. The example doesn't need to bring up anything else beside those two points.
  • Re Celeste: There are people who like the plot and like the platformer, there are those who like both and neither, so the non-tropes don't have to cancel each other. The Enjoy the Story, Skip the Game contradicts itself, which can be fixed by removing up to "The game starts getting". Play the Game, Skip the Story needs to explain what the actual problem is, skippable cutscenes taking too long?
  • Re Sonic Frontiers: From what I can tell seems to be the case. Ian Flynn's character writing is considered amazing, but many think both the Starfall Islands and the Cyberspace levels could use another year in development.

TroperWall / WikiMagic Cleanup

TheLivingDrawing Lucas the Dreamer from The Town of Clayton Since: Apr, 2019 Relationship Status: Yes, I'm alone, but I'm alone and free

Lucas the Dreamer

#9: Nov 28th 2022 at 10:33:38 AM

With Omori, the story is what the game is most well known for, but the gameplay is quite well done so I don’t think it counts. With Celeste I think it can stay under both because the gameplay and story appeal to different niches. With Sonic Frontiers I hope they make a sequel that refines the formula introduced to make the gameplay better (it’s still fun but it’s clear that Sonic Team needs more experience with making an open world).

Edited by TheLivingDrawing on Nov 28th 2022 at 1:34:01 PM

Why waste time when you can see the last sunset last?

MacronNotes 🩷💜💙(she/her) (Captain) Relationship Status: Less than three


#10: Nov 28th 2022 at 3:13:26 PM

Moved thread to Trope Talk as requested

Macron's notes

TheLivingDrawing Lucas the Dreamer from The Town of Clayton Since: Apr, 2019 Relationship Status: Yes, I'm alone, but I'm alone and free

Lucas the Dreamer

#11: Nov 28th 2022 at 7:36:21 PM

Enjoy the Story/Game, skip the Game/Story (15) That would explain why I couldn’t find it.

Why waste time when you can see the last sunset last?

EmeraldSource Since: Jan, 2021

#12: Nov 28th 2022 at 8:22:26 PM

I'm not familiar with the game in question, but I can see examples where the gameplay, mechanics and overall game polish is well received but still falls into Enjoy the Story, Skip the Game. Basically some games are so heavy on the side quests or require so much level grinding to get the Golden Ending that many people prefer to watch compilation videos on You Tube than spend the 130 hours necessary to personally experience the story through a playthrough. The same goes with the inverse, where a story is more than serviceable but the mechanics are so dynamic it keeps you playing well beyond the Framing Device.

Edited by EmeraldSource on Nov 28th 2022 at 8:23:26 AM

Do you not know that in the service one must always choose the lesser of two weevils!

TheLivingDrawing Lucas the Dreamer from The Town of Clayton Since: Apr, 2019 Relationship Status: Yes, I'm alone, but I'm alone and free

Lucas the Dreamer

#13: Nov 28th 2022 at 8:36:38 PM

Enjoy the Story/Game, skip the Game/Story (18) What game are you talking about?

Why waste time when you can see the last sunset last?

EmeraldSource Since: Jan, 2021

#14: Nov 29th 2022 at 2:16:06 PM

I was thinking of Destiny 2, they reached a point where their temporary seasonal content is so dense it has caused resentment in the playerbase over the commitment needed for true 100% Completion. It is where I first learned of FOMO (fear of missing out), but the tradeoff has been that the game has had more complex and detailed in-game story than they ever had.

Conversely, games like League of Legends and Overwatch are less about the variety of content you can play but about mastering the playstyle of the characters you can choose, all of whom come with expansive background lore.

Do you not know that in the service one must always choose the lesser of two weevils!

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Total posts: 14

Enjoy the Story/Game, skip the Game/Story (2024)


What is the pass the story game for adults? ›

“Pass the story” is a creative and collaborative storytelling game where participants take turns adding to a story, usually one sentence or a few words at a time. The game continues around a circle, with each person contributing a piece to the evolving narrative.

What is the game where you take turns writing a story? ›

Story Starters is an English creative writing game that works best with a group of players. This game involves taking turns to write a story with each player adding a sentence within a set time limit.

Does story matter in video games? ›

Storytelling is important in video games because it helps to create a more immersive and engaging experience for the player.

Why do people like story games? ›

Games with a well-written story can spark your imagination and keep you engaged for hours. Besides, a good story can enhance the overall gameplay experience. It helps players develop an emotional connection with the game's world and characters.

What is the one sentence at a time story game? ›

Explain that you are going to create a story together, one sentence at a time. The first person starts the sentence with “Once…” After they share one sentence, the next person says a follow-up sentence that connects to and continues the story. This continues until the story finds its natural finish.

How to play pass the story? ›

One student will write 2 sentences of the story, then they will pass it on to another teammate, who will add 2 new sentences after reading what the first teammate wrote. After writing their 2 sentences, the second teammate will pass it on to the third teammate, who will add their 2 sentences, and so on.

Why is the game story important? ›

An exciting story captures players' imaginations, drawing them into the game's universe and fostering a sense of ownership and investment in the outcome. This sense of player investment is a unique aspect of gaming that can significantly set a product apart from others.

Who decides the story in a video game? ›

Some game writers craft the game story. Others write dialogue and/or game text. Some cross over into narrative designers and craft the game experience as well as the text. As a writer wanting to work in games, you'll want to show that you have a good understanding of branching stories and interactive text.

Is it OK if I play video games? ›

Though video games themselves aren't bad for your mental health, becoming addicted to them can be. Spending too much time gaming can lead to isolation. You may also not want to be around people in the real world. When you start to feel yourself using video games as an escape, you might need to slow down.

Why do people play games when they like someone? ›

We play games to manipulate people's perception of us, Dr. Romanoff explains. “At the core, we believe that if we were to show up as ourselves, the other person would not be interested in us as we would appear too eager and therefore undesirable.” Playing games is especially likely in the early stages of relationships.

Why are games so much fun? ›

Gaming is highly stimulating and heightened sensory experience. Gamers actively participate and drive the action, unlike more passive activities like watching TV. Video games are designed to be as engrossing as possible. This is what keeps people wanting to play.

Why do video games feel so good? ›

Players also agree that video games provide other mental health benefits: About 75% of global players believe video games provide mental stimulation and stress relief. Nearly two-thirds also find that video games provide them with a healthy outlet from everyday challenges (64%) and help them feel happier (63%).

What is a memory game for adults in person? ›

Switch up the games you play to include word searches, Sudoku, and other newspaper puzzles. The American Alzheimer's Association endorses Sudoku for increasing active brain cells and promoting a healthier mind. Experts found these games improve memory and lower chances for dementia in older adults.

What is the add to the story activity? ›

Add to the Story is a strategy that helps students think creatively on their feet. A student begins telling a story. When they hear a bell ring (or a horn beep), they have to point at another student to complete their thought, or move on.

What is the game where you act out and people have to guess? ›

Charades (UK: /ʃəˈrɑːdz/, US: /ʃəˈreɪdz/) is a parlor or party word guessing game. Originally, the game was a dramatic form of literary charades: a single person would act out each syllable of a word or phrase in order, followed by the whole phrase together, while the rest of the group guessed.

What is the connect through stories game? ›

During Connecting Stories, players take turns sharing an interesting personal anecdote, and then other group members share their own stories that have similar themes or elements. By doing this, participants create a chain of connected stories, making the game both entertaining and informative.

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