Port Perry Star, 23 Jan 1980, p. 18 (2024)

=7oCvo#rn,«LTPa? Ya ShrorSn.ANJt Befoc aodJAEDS RAIA: KA URE EC AVA LY BY ATEoo ton Bn a hh, 1 io he he nbs nl ni iAi'htbaialWML ARSE IA LY Y Ne 4 Tas TSUNRY Uh Ene NAR RNAP Wr«VSRNEES FA EL+ SL ReL SN20 -- PORT PERRY STAR -- Wed., January 23, 1980HAVE A LOTFred has been rebuilding his own homesince he started winterizing the cottagehe bought in Manvers Township 12 yearsagoFRED KNOWS WHAT IT MEANAfter Fred grew up in the Pembroke areahe served in the armed forces in Canadaand Europe in 1959-63.After discharge, Fred worked in serviceindustries in Toronto for six years.Fred drives 42 miles each way to get towork.But Fred has lived here since 1973. Heloves his community.Fred coached the Janetville Pee-WeeBaseball team. He was treasurer of theJanetville Boy Scouts.ED BROADBENT,FRED McLAUGHLINAND YOUIN COMMON ..Fred, 39; and his wife Linda; and childAndrew, 13; Kelly, 7; Tracy, 2; and Mathew, 6 months.FRED KNOWS WHAT HIGH INTEREST RATES MEAN ...Aren 'He still has improvements to make. Buthe says, 'because of high interest rates,| have no choice. | have deferred com-pleting my home."At 29, Fred entered Toronto Teachers'College. He has taught since 1970.Fred never quits. Through evening andsummer courses, he got his B.A. in 1975,his M.Ed. in 1978, and is working on hisPh.D.FRED KNOWS HOW YOU FEEL ABOUT GAS PRICES ...Fred is involved in the Janetville Com-munity Centre. His wife Linda has servedon Township Council.Fred really enjoys playing left-wing on theManvers Old-timers hockey team, andsecond baseman in thé Bethany Old-timers baseball team.CONTACT FRED McLAUGHLIN AT:22 WATER STREET - PORT PERRY - 985-8435Lower interest rates would help smallbusiness expand and create work forCanadians, especially young Canadianslooking for their first career. With morejobs, we'll bring more financial securityto all working Canadians.And New Democrats will control oureconomy inside our country. Under yearsof Liberal and Conservative governments,Canadians have lost control to foreign-owned corporations. Millions of dollarsin profits are exported from Canadaevery day - making work somewhere else.Everyone knows New Democrats putCanada first.Here are the policies Canadians want:We must start developing all our re-sources for the benefit of all Canadians.When resources are exported, we are alsoexporting jobs. For every job in a resourceindustry there are five and a half jobs inprocessing and manufacturing. Deve-loping secondary industry around theresources sector could go a long way tosolving Canada's unemployment problem.Canada needs some effective manag-ment in the resource sector while westill have the resources to manage. EdBroadbent and the NDP are determinedto provide it.Fred will be at the Committee Room from 4 to 6 p.m. on Saturday, January 26th.Come in and have a coffee.Authorized by the Official Agent for Fred McLaughlin. N.O.P.. 136 King Street East. Bowmanville.S TO WORK FOR A LIVING ...AVAL PECL IEE PET 05 8 SIRE AIL MRI CCR ARS RE1a VisaSeagrave newsby Mrs. B. SomervilleWe are now on the last fullweek in January and winteris half over. How's the NewYear resolutions holdingout?Church and Sunday Schoolcarried on as usual Sundaymorning with Rev. Chas.Kitney of Cannington leadingthe service, The childrenand adults alike were veryimpressed with his message.Rev. Kitney will be in chargeagain next Sunday whileRev. Roundell is vacationingin Florida.Well Pumpkin Corners didit again and this time it's aget well wish to Mr. FredPuckrin who had the mis-fortune of breaking his foot.I understand you are going tohave your feet up for a littlewhile Fred. I'm sureMildred will have somethingfor you to do.The stork did its thingagain but this time it flewright to George and JanDonsberger's home and lefta little blue bundle for them.Congratulations folks, younow have a perfect littlefamily. Also congratulationsto Morley and Lola Bruce onbecoming grandparentsagain to another little grand-daughter. Aren't girls greatMorley!A special birthday greet-ing this week goes to Mrs.Margaret Hunter andMaster Ryan Puckrin whodeposited their pennies in theBirthday Box as well as Mrs.Jackie Boyle, Master EldonSears, and Master BarryWillerton.-- OBITUARIES --JOYCE LEANORAMALCOLMYelverton Community wasdeeply saddened at theuntimely passing of one of itsmore respected citizensfollowing a lingering illnessas Death claimed JoyceMcMullen in her 51st year onTuesday, December 11, 1979at her late residence at R.R.1, Bethany.She was born in ManversTownship, the eldest daugh-fer of Mr. and Mrs. BertMcMullen. She received herschooling at JanetvillePublic and ContinuationSchool. Later she becamethe bride of Murray JamesMalcolm and from this unionthey raised four daughters -Marleah (Mrs. Paul Bowen)of Yelverton, Darlene ofEdmonton, Valarie attend-ing Sheridan College inOakville and Lana at home.Joyce is also survived by asister Lois (Mrs. SamAdams) of Bowmanville anda brother Gary McMullen ofJanetville.Joyce was a devotedmother and wife and exem-plified all those Christianprinciples to her family. Shewas active in church andcommunity, Past Presidentof Yelverton U.C.W.; aformer member of the Lind-say Song Spinners and aformer 4-H Leader.Funeral services wereconducted at the MackieFuneral Home in Lindsaywith messages of comfortprovided by Mr. ArthurRodgers of Janetville UnitedChurch Charge and formerminister of the Charge - Rev.Stanley Haines. The pallbearers were all nephews ofthe deceased - Mr. TerryMalcolm, Mr. Gary Bristow,"Mr. Andy Beaucage, Mr. PatMothersill, Mr. Ed. Wubboltand Mr. Albert Guest.The many beautiful floraltributes and donations to theCancer Society reflected thehigh esteem in which Joycewas held by all who knewher. Interment was in thefamily plot at Yelverton.HUGH EDWARD ROGERSThe death of Hugh EdwardRogers occurred suddenly onWednesday, December 26,1979, at Memorial Hospital,Bowmanville in his 60thyear.He was the son of the lateWalter and Ruby (Ashton)Rogers. Born at Brooklin, hewas educated at EpsomPublic School and PortPerry High "School. OnDecember 8, 1945 he marriedAileen Pearl Harper.A resident at 97 OntarioStreet, Bowmanville, for 32°years, he had previouslyresided at Epsom. He wasemployed for 29 years as ametal finisher at GeneralMotors of Canada. DuringWorld War II he served forfive years with the 2nd LightField Ambulance, R.C.A.-M.C. He was a member ofBranch 178, Royal CanadianLegion, a member of Local222, U.A.W., and a memberof St. Paul's United Church.Left to mourn his passingare his wife Aileen, sons Jay,of Bowmanville, Kim ofNewcastle, and Randy ofBowmanville, a brother Ivanof Oshawa, a sister LauraLakey, Newtonville, and sixgrandchildren.Funeral services wereconducted Saturday, at theMorris Funeral Chapel, withRev. E. Schamerhornofficiating. Mrs. J. AlbertCole presided at the chapelorgan.Pallbearers were Larry &Jim Rogers, Tom Lakey,John & Doug Harper,nephews, and Roger Swan.Interment was in UticaCemetery.I understand Barry had acouple of his friends in onFriday and they along withBarry's mom and dad had aevening of entertainment atthe cinema in Oshawa.Happy Birthday, folks!The Sunday School classtaught by Mrs. DonnaPhypers are planning to goroller skating in Oshawa onSaturday, January 26th. Ifyoy are in this class and planon going please meet at theChurch on Saturday at 1:30p.m. The cost is $3.00Mrs. Belair and Mrs.Jones would like the girlsaged 12 and over to startthinking about joining thenext session of 4-H. Thecourse is starting shortly andthis time it is entitled "Foodfor Friends'.A Valentine Dancesponsored by the GreenbankSeagrave Group Committeehas been planned forFebruary 9th at the CatholicChurch Hall in Port Perry.The drive is on to fill the Halland tickets are going quick-ly. If you would like toattend and haven't beenapproached, please call985-7778 or 985-3170.Please keep in mind theCoffee Hour being plannedfor Wednesday, January 30that 10:00 a.m. in the ChurchSunday School Room. Mr.Bill Smith from the DurhamBoard of Education will bethe guest speaker on DrugAbuse. Babysitting is pro-vided and all members in thecommunity are invited toattend. Hope to see youthere!Please also mark on yourcalendar February 4th at8:00 when candidates fromeach party will be meeting inthe Port Perry High School -Auditorium to state theirpolicies followed. by aquestion answer period.This meeting should be veryinformative and of greatvalue so please set thisevening aside.Next week's correspon-dent is Mrs. MarilynBeacock at 985-3595. Pleasecall her with your news.For the March BreakNONQUON TRAVELpresentsLONDON 1980with Mr. Paul Arculus as your personal guide.YOUR COST OF $725.00 INCLUDES:* Round trip airfare non-stopToronto-London-Toronto* Canadian Transportation Tax* Transportation from Heathrow airport toLondon hotel on arrival* Transportation from hotel to Heathrow airporton departure* Accommodation in London for 8 nights* Full Breakfasts* One day bus sight-seeing tour of London* One day bus trip - London to Winchesterand return* Medieval banquet* Walking Tours of London's Historical,Political and Social Sites.* Shopping ToursDEPART FROM TORONTO FRIDAY, MARCH 14thLEAVES LONDON SUNDAY, MARCH 23rd.Hurry Only 6 Seats Left!FOR INFORMATION CALL:Mrs. Marg Waite, Nonquon Travel12 Water Street - Port Perry985-2336985-2200¢

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Port Perry Star, 23 Jan 1980, p. 18 (2024)
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