The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (2024)

Last updated on May 19, 2024 at 00:00by Abide

In Cataclysm, the Deadmines dungeon received a complete revamp, offeringplayers a re-imagined experience within one of World of Wacraft's mosticonic dungeons.


The Deadmines Entrance Location

The Deadmines is found in Westfall on the Southern edge of the zone. Hordeplayers will need to fly to STV first, or simply queue up for the dungeonthrough group finder.


Overview of Bosses in The Deadmines

Here we will give you a full rundown of what you can expect from each of thebosses found here on both Normal and Heroic difficulties as well as the itemsthey drop.



  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (3) Arcane Power
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (4) Fire Wall
  • Phase One
    • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (5) Fists of Flame
    • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (6) Fists of Frost
    • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (7) Blink
  • Phase Two
    • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (8) Fire Blossom
    • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (9) Frost Blossom

In phase one you only need to avoid near your tank to prevent The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (10) Fists of Flameand The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (11) Fists of Frost. Each time Glubtok swaps between these2 spells, he will The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (12) Blink in a random direction and reset threat.At 50% health, Glubtok will return to the center of the roomand bombard random areas of the room with both The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (13) Fire Blossom andThe Deadmines Dungeon Guide (14) Frost Blossom, watch the floor for these indicators and avoidstanding where they are landing.

On Heroic, a Frost Blossom and Fire Blossom willspawn at the landing location of each The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (15) Frost Blossom andThe Deadmines Dungeon Guide (16) Fire Blossom; simply ignore these and burn the boss, or let a fewof them gather up and AoE them down. Glubtok will also cover the areain a massive fire wall, dealing high damage to anyone that touches the wall.Move around the boss in a circle, avoiding touching the wall at all times.


Loot from Normal

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (17) Buzzer Blade15One-Hand Dagger
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (18) Gold-Flecked Gloves15Cloth Hands
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (19) Miner's Cape15Back


Loot from Heroic

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (20) Buzzer Blade85One-Hand Dagger
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (21) Defias Brotherhood Vest85Leather Chest
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (22) Missing Diplomat's Pauldrons85Plate Shoulder
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (23) Shadow of the Past85Back
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (24) Vest of the Curious Visitor85Leather Chest


Helix Gearbreaker

  • Sticky Bomb
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (26) Oaf Smash
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (27) Chest Bomb
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (28) Leap

Helix Gearbreaker beings the fight on the back of aLumbering Oaf. While he on the Oaf, Helix Gearbreaker willconstantly cover the room with Sticky Bombs, which deal high damageto any nearby players after a short timer. Helix Gearbreaker will alsoplace a The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (29) Chest Bomb on a random player, dealing high damage to themand any nearby allies, knocking them into the air. Whoever gets this debuffneeds to run away from everyone else to avoid knocking up the entire group. TheLumbering Oaf will occasionally pick up a random player and slamthem into a wall, dealing moderate damage. Keep dodging theSticky Bombs while finishing off the Oaf to forceHelix Gearbreaker to dismount and being the second phase.

Helix Gearbreaker will continue to throw down Sticky Bombsall over the room. He will also The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (30) Leap onto a different ally every10 seconds, auto attacking them and placing a The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (31) Chest Bomb on themwhen he chooses a new target. Avoiding the bombs and keeping hisThe Deadmines Dungeon Guide (32) Leap target alive are the main concerns in this fight.

In this phase


Loot from Normal

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (33) Cruel Barb15One-Hand Sword
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (34) Gold-Plated Buckler15Shield
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (35) Impaling Harpoon15Polearm
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (36) Smelting Pants15Leather Legs


Loot from Heroic

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (37) Cloak of Thredd85Back
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (38) Cruel Barb85One-Hand Sword
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (39) Gear-Marked Gauntlets85Plate Hands
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (40) Gearbreaker's Bindings85Plate Wrist
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (41) Old Friend's Gloves85Mail Hands


Foe Reaper 5000

  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (43) Reaper Strike
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (44) Overdrive
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (45) Harvest
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (46) Safety Restrictions Off-line
  • Molten Slag

Start off the fight by having your DPS and healers spread out, and one ofyour DPS players jump into the nearby Prototype Reaper. ThisPrototype Reaper can be used to help DPS the boss, but shouldprimarily be used to DPS down the Molten Slags that will beconstantly spawning in. The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (47) Overdrive will causeFoe Reaper 5000 to run around the room rapidly, dealing AoE damage toall nearby enemies; when he casts this run away.

Foe Reaper 5000 will also target a random player withThe Deadmines Dungeon Guide (48) Harvest, moving to that location shortly after. While moving anynearby players will take massive AoE damage every second, and again when hereaches the original The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (49) Harvest location. Be quick to move away fromthe boss during this, as well as away from the targeted location. Do not be infront of the boss to avoid taking damage from The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (50) Reaper Strike; anduse any cooldowns available when Foe Reaper 5000 reaches 30%, ashe will double his damage done with The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (51) Safety Restrictions Off-line.


Loot from Normal

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (52) Foe Reaper15Two-Hand Mace
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (53) Buzz Saw15One-Hand Sword
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (54) Emberstone Staff15Staff


Loot from Heroic

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (55) Foe Reaper85Two-Hand Mace
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (56) Buzz Saw85One-Hand Sword
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (57) Emberstone Staff85Staff


Admiral Ripsnarl

  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (59) Thirst for Blood
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (60) Swipe
  • Vapor Phase
    • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (61) Summon Vapor
    • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (62) Go For the Throat

Only the tank should be in front of the boss to avoid taking extra damagefrom The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (63) Swipe. Admiral Ripsnarl will gain a stack ofThe Deadmines Dungeon Guide (64) Thirst for Blood each time he attacks, making his very deadly ifyour DPS is low. Every 25% health, Admiral Ripsnarl will vanishinto the fog, becoming unattackable for a short time. WhileAdmiral Ripsnarl is hidden in this fog, the group will be attacked bymultiple Vapors; quickly kill these while waiting for him to reappear.Lastly, when Admiral Ripsnarl emerges from the fog, he will useThe Deadmines Dungeon Guide (65) Go For the Throat, attacking a random enemy and stunning them for2 seconds.


Loot from Normal

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (66) Lavishly Jeweled Ring15Finger
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (67) Rockslicer15Two-Hand Axe
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (68) Smite's Reaver15One-Hand Axe


Loot from Heroic

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (69) Lavishly Jeweled Ring85Finger
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (70) Rockslicer85Two-Hand Axe
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (71) Smite's Reaver85One-Hand Axe


"Captain" Cookie

  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (73) Throw Food
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (74) Rotten Aura
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (75) Nauseated
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (76) Satiated

Captain Cookie will stay in his cooking pot the entire fight, notrequiring a tank. He will constantly The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (77) Throw Food at the group,covering the entire area in both good and bad food. When you"eat" food by walking over it, you will gain a buff or debuff dependingon the type of food; a stack of the The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (78) Nauseated debuff will be appliedby any of the bad food, while good food will apply a stack ofThe Deadmines Dungeon Guide (79) Satiated. Eating 1 type of food, either good or bad, will cancelout a stack of the other food. Try to avoid the bad food as much as possiblewhile eating good food to maintain the buff. You can have your tank run aroundand eat a lot of bad food early on to help clear up the area, giving you morespace to move around in.


Loot from Normal

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (80) Cape of the Brotherhood15Back
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (81) Corsair's Overshirt15Cloth Chest
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (82) Thief's Blade15One-Hand Sword
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (83) Cookie's Tenderizer15One-Hand Mace
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (84) Cookie's Stirring Rod15Wand


Loot from Heroic

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (85) Cape of the Brotherhood85Back
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (86) Corsair's Overshirt85Cloth Chest
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (87) Thief's Blade85One-Hand Sword
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (88) Cookie's Tenderizer85One-Hand Mace
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (89) Cookie's Stirring Rod85Wand


Vanessa VanCleef (Heroic Only)

  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (91) Deflection
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (92) Deadly Blades
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (93) Backslash
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (94) Fiery Blaze
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (95) Vengeance of VanCleef
  • The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (96) Powder Explosion
  • Defias Enforcer
  • Defias Shadowguard
  • Defias Blood Wizard

The fight will start with Vanessa VanCleef usingThe Deadmines Dungeon Guide (97) Nightmare Elixir on your group, entering you into a twisted reality.Right away your group will be getting lowered into a forge, requiring you toclick the vent levers around the forge to escape. After escaping, make your wayover to Glubtok while avoiding the fire on the ground, as well as thelarge rocks being thrown at you. This version of Glubtok is muchweaker and will be defeated quickly.

When Glubtok dies, Helix Gearbreaker will appear in hisplace, along side an army of spiders. Quickly AoE any aggrod spiders down anddeal with Helix Gearbreaker afterwards. When defeated, the tunnelsbehind him will open up, allowing you to continue forward. Here you will needto keep moving while avoiding the fatal Lightning Rods while making yourway through the tunnels into the final area.

In this last part you will be helping Admiral Ripsnarl save hisfamily from attacking Worgens. Have your tank taunt the 3 Worgens attackingEmme Harrington and quickly defeat them, then make your way up towardsthe ship and do this one more time to save Erik Harrington from theWorgens attacking him. Lastly on the ship, you will need to saveCalissa Harrington from Admiral Ripsnarl himself. Afterdefeating him, make your way to the top of the ship to finally face off againstVanessa VanCleef.

She will frequently all in Defias Enforcers,Defias Shadowguards, and Defias Blood Wizards toaid her in the fight; these adds must be quickly picked up by the tank and AoE'ddown. She will also periodically use The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (98) Deflection, preventing alldamage taken for 10 seconds; simply deal with any remaining adds during thistime. At 50% and 25% health, Vanessa VanCleef will jumpon top of the ship and use The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (99) Fiery Blaze, detonating all explosiveson the ship deck. To avoid dying to this, players will need to click on thenearby ropes on the side of the ship, which will swing you away from theexplosives before returning you to the deck. After the firstThe Deadmines Dungeon Guide (100) Fiery Blaze, Vanessa VanCleef will buff herself everysecond with The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (101) Vengeance of VanCleef until she is re-engaged, increasingher damage done. At 25% she will continue to use this every second untilthe end of the fight. Finally, at 1% health she will useThe Deadmines Dungeon Guide (102) Powder Explosion, dealing fatal damage to any nearby enemies within 10yards.


Loot from Heroic

ItemRequired LevelItem Type
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (103) Armbands of Exiled Architects85Cloth Wrist
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (104) Book of the Well Sung Song85Relic
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (105) Bracers of Some Consequence85Mail Wrist
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (106) Cowl of Rebellion85Leather Head
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (107) Daughter's Hands85Cloth Hands
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (108) Guildmaster's Greaves85Plate Feet
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (109) Record of the Brotherhood's End85Relic
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (110) Shackles of the Betrayed85Mail Wrist
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (111) Stonemason's Helm85Plate Head
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (112) VanCleef's Boots85Leather Feet


The Deadmines Quests

Starting in Cataclysm, dungeon quests are found directly inside the dungeonand have no quest chains required. This means you can simply queue up for thedungeon and grab all of the available quests inside without needing to completelong-winded, complicated quest chains! The following quests are found inside thedungeon:

  1. The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (113) The Foreman /The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (114) Only the Beginning
  2. The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (115) The Carpenter /The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (116) Traitors!!!
  3. The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (117) The Machination /The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (118) Not Quite There
  4. The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (119) The Admiral /The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (120) Good Intentions...Poor Execution
  5. The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (121) The Defias Kingpin /The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (122) The Defias Kingpin


The Deadmines Achievements in Cataclysm

The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (123) I'm on a DietDo not gain more than one stack of Nauseated during the Cookie encounterin Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (124) It's Frost DamageAllow three Freezing Vapors to cast Coalesce during the Admiral Ripsnarlencounter in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (125) Prototype ProdigyKeep the Prototype Reaper from falling below 90% health at any timebefore the Foe Reaper 5000 is defeated in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (126) Rat PackKill 20 Mine Rats during the Helix Gearbreaker encounter in Deadmines onHeroic Difficulty.
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (127) Ready for RaidingDo not get hit by Fire Wall in the Glubtok encounter in Deadmines onHeroic Difficulty.
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (128) Vigorous VanCleef VindicatorEngage Vanessa VanCleef within 5 minutes of being inflicted with theNightmare Elixir in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (129) DeadminesDefeat "Captain" Cookie.
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (130) Heroic: DeadminesDefeat Vanessa VanCleef in Deadmines on Heroic Difficulty.
The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (131) Heroic: Deadmines Guild RunDefeat Vanessa VanCleef in Deadmines on Heroic difficulty while in aguild group.



  • 19 May 2024: Added page.

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The Deadmines Dungeon Guide (2024)


How long does Deadmines take to complete? ›

Deadmines is the first dungeon available to Alliance players and is recommended for players between Level 17 and 21, but your group should ideally be above Level 19 in order to clear the final bosses. You should be able to clear the dungeon in just over an hour.

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Creature levels are in the range of 18-24. Highly recommend that you be level 26ish to do SFK, but you can be as low as 18 if you are skilled and well equipped.

Can you solo Deadmines at 25? ›

A level 25 healing Mage has soloed Deadmines in the Season of Discovery and here's a video of the clear. We're looking at a Mage who has cleared Deadmines solo on Season of Discovery realms.

Can a level 10 enter Deadmines? ›

Minimum 10, Advised 15.

What level can you walk into Deadmines? ›

The Deadmines (Levels 17-26)

It's located in Westfall and sets the stage for players to battle Edwin Van Cleef and the Defias Brotherhood. It's a great dungeon to run if you're a low-level alliance player. If not for experience, for the gear and quests that you can get in this dungeon.

How rare is Shadowfang? ›

008% (roughly 1 Shadowfang every 12500 runs!!!) So in conclusion: Shadowfang is pretty damn rare, with about a . 009% drop rate. But you knew that, right?

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Blackfathom Deeps (BFD) is a level 24-32 partially underwater dungeon that can be located in Northwestern Ashenvale.

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Ragefire Chasm is a level 13-18 dungeon located in the Horde capital city of Orgrimmar in Classic WoW. The instance portal is situated deep within the Cleft of Shadow.

When should I go to Deadmines? ›

The Deadmines is open to players up to a max level of 26 in Hardcore mode, and the recommended level is 19+.

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You can start this chain of quests at Level 14, but you are unlikely to finish it until Level 18 or higher, unless you are carried through the dungeon by a higher level player. The chain of quests focuses on collecting information about the Defias Brotherhood before asking you to meet with a Defias traitor.

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Dungeons in Season of Discovery Phase 3

The level required to enter them varies, depending on the recommended level to actually complete the dungeon, but the absolute minimum level you can start doing dungeons is level 8, when you can enter Ragefire Chasm, or level 10 when you can enter The Deadmines.

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