The Washington Daily News from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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INSTRUCTIONS LEGAL NOTICES MEN WOMEN 2 lines 4 times $200 new condi mi Wanted to buy "BUSINESS SERVICE PETS OR SALE 3 plus AUCTION ANT Si APPLY 2515 Penn 1 9 omac SPECIAL NOTICES DOMESTIC iences hub room News apt Ads for Economy Call DI 7 7777 I WOMEN 1O 3O society columnil Peyton Gordon BULLETin BOARD Offers A Rea Opportunity PAINTING EXTERIOR A INTERIOR PAPERING PLASTERING ROOING WATERPROOING OR SPEC RATE CALL DAY OR NIGHT LA 6 1617 Washington sprightliest Evelyn cameras Jewelry tape recorders musical instalments and other small Hems of personal prop Call MR SMITH ME 1 8260 MEN rou learn keen MEN Dishwasher wcauca Tree pruning topping and elevating Wblt feeding lot clearing pruning our businessAD 2 4420 fKTPir 906 10th fit NA 8 1393 Exp fulljor part time tt day week good pay Li 3 3384 line 3 times $100 The above rates apply to used House hold advertised by private in dividuals not tn business The reserves the right to 'control and designate all Items as to Qualification for Bulletin Board rates CUSTOM MADB SUP Your It material or mine 4 6632 The Chesapeake Pot Telephone Co 45 Porters 35 Hot1 58700 at Striek RMtaurant Branch Av fl Naylor Rd Silver Hill Md a kilUolds union card val papers Waterman's cap black tan 7'V I ME 8 5315 William Bowen No I Questions' TOUNb Persian cat told and black with kittens 3 wll old JU 9 192S TOBACCO SALESMAN retail Bethesda company benefits 48 hrs per week 8125 hr Call MR SCHREIBSTEIN OL 4 5900 WOOL Must have permit Experienced BLUE RIBBON CLEANERS LAUNDRY 3510 14thfit NW ATeArIng apparel BUWM Apply Bt NE or call LI 4 8277 I WRISTWATCH Lady's Hamilton I HO to nv WO 8 5573 MOVING a STORAGE SSER: am 1802 anytime 220 ST NW Trustees' Sale of known as 2122 1st ttl rtf nartal 1 recorded in Uber No 10787 olio 23 of the land records of District of Columbia and at request of the party secured thereby the undersigned trustees win sell at public auction in front of the premises on riday the 16th day of Augdst AD 1957 at 2:00 clock MJ the following de scribed land and situate in the District of Columbia and designat ed as and being Loti 29 in Square 3119 Terms: Sold subject! to prior (building association'! deed ofl trust for approxi mately J7561 17 further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale the purchase price above said trust to paid iri eash A deposit of 3500 required Conveyancing re cording etc at purchaser's cost Ad justments as! of date of sale Terms to be complied with within 30 days otherwise deploslt forfeited and the property may be advertised and resold at the discretion of trustees BEN SIMON VERGINALD DOIPHIN I Trustees I1 KIamatc bC cd 25 Lip 5 3201 1 3) 1 lectrl? Rem irgton Rand bio th good working con dition 50 875 Call and' see any time AP BOARD ACCOUNTANCY will hold examinations on Wed mart as xr nuv 7 cs uiv nunuuai vunu Aimuiy duvx tai East! Capitol St Washington Ct Yor applicants geeking the certificate Vi veruiiea fudiic Accountant in tne Tllstrlet nf CnlutnYi! All nn11eaMnn 'must be on forms provided by 'Mon Sept 9 1957 with the Bd of Accountancy Dept ox occupations A lUlCOBJUHB 1I1W LS AV A va IWMh 8 6 WANTED YOUNG MAN who is looking for than a Job National Consumer inance! Organiza tion offers UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY for executive career to High School Graduates Age 21 to 29 with ersonality ambition abiility to meet public 1 liberal al lowance for use of automobile good starting salary and rapid advancement ahead right man Celli JA 8 4336 for appointment I OO Auctioneers 3 3480 Valuable premises St NW By vir leed of trust duly of the District of request of the public auction in UGS AKCfawn reaa Bulldogs Bost: Terjteers cheap Seitz MI 5 5101 TOY MANCHEBTR8 MINIATURE A Dogs boarded PARKWOOD KENNELS RE 5 5440 URNISHED rooms ADVERTISING I SALESWOMAN We are looking for a young lady to sell classified leaver Using over the phone If you like talking to this pub lic and have a nice speaking voice we are interested iin you experience We will tram you Must havto High School education! and ueglble wiivuiB Good starting salary commission 5 day 40 hour week Vacation with pay Air conditioned Call Miss Martin DI 7 777' 45 Porters 835 Hotel Live in maids 83760 A SER gig NW LKVLNG KAMIS I OO Auctioneers 220 ST NW 1 3 3480 Trustees' Sale of valuable premises known as 1425 Que fit NW By vir tue of a certain deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No 10787 olio 37 of land records bf the District of Columbia and at request of the party secured therebjl the undersigned trustees will sell at public auction in front of the premises on riday the 16th day of August AD 1957 at 1:30 o'clock the following de scribed land and premises situate In the District of Columbia and designat ed as and being Lot 8 in Square 208 Terms: Sold subject to prior ibuilding association! deed of trust for approxi mately $863279 further particulars of which will be announced at time of sale the purchase price above said trust to be paid tn leash A deposit of 8500 required Conveyancing re cording etc at purchaser's cost Ad justments made as I of date of sale Terms to be complied with within 30 days otherwise depbelt forfeited and the orbperty may He advertised and resold at the discretion of the trustees VEROINALD DOLPHIN BEN SIMON I Trustees NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I will sell at Public Auction at the MetropolitaiMolice Department Prop erty Clerk (rear entrance) 469 477 St WL) at 9:00 A Wednesday August 7l 1957 miscel laneous sale consisting of: household furniture office furniture office equipment tires tubes wheels rags scrap metal mechanical tools auto accessories suitcasesj clothing rifles shotguns cameras camera equipment electrical appliances! books costume jewelry wrist watches other items of Jewelry and numerous other items AU items sold without guarantee or warranty of any kind and terms of the sale is cash Due to the numerous item to be sold a minute inspection of the merchandise to be sold will be impossible You are invited to look "around and so far as possible decide what items you desire to bid on before they are offered for sale open on Tuesday August 611957 from 9:00 a to 3:00 for inspection only The will begin promptly at 9:00 a on Wednesday August 7 1957 and continue until all items are sold is cash only EARL HARTMAN Inspector Chief (also Sroperty) clerk Metropolitan oUce epartinent I itmen 1 News lKWash time pret ALL TYPES JOBS AVAILABLEJprth East Empl Center438 BT Bj WHITE COLORED OPEN BAT 10:30 TO 1:10 I LI 4 5290 AUNDRY WORKERS MAINTENANCE wiirri itaai ABART EMPL HO 2 7671 Employment Offic 725 13th St NW Monday thru riday i 8:30 A to 4 jM REPAIRS SERVICE A ROOP REPAIRLNG Repair as low as $10 written gusrsn tss with every job palntln paper Ing plastering carpentry gutters Waterproofing Cell day or night LA 6 1617 A APPLIANCE CO REPRIO WASHER REPAIRS Work 'guaranteed REE EBT JO 2 5671 C9)ines launrirv dry 4616 14th St NW ountain bus oiris JU A nrACtLO MOORES AGENCY IIATCnECKGI WHITB I APPLY LOTUS RESTAUR 727 14th ST NW WRRY rPRTRTMAfl wtWai i with AVON? Call new for ycur ur cnuice territory tno nave in your Christmas DI 7 0221 BHTrt pressetl'aLsO fiHI? txneriencea syivania Ave 8 Telephone Operating A LUINI dk ROMO' Atty 3311 Niles St Wheaton Md IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT OR THE DISTRICT CO LUMBIA Civil Action No 1880 57 tOrder of Publication Change of Name) In Re Application of NUBAR NADIR or Change of NUBAR NADIR having filed a complaint for a judgment changing to RAYMOND ALAInT NAPIER and having applied to Cdurt for an order of publication of thb notice required by law in such cases it la by the Court this 29th day of July 1957 ORDERED that all persona concerned show cause if any there be bn or 24th day of August 1957 why prayers of said complaint should not be granted: Provided That a oopy of this order be published a week for three consecutive weeks before said day in The Washington Daily News and Washington Law Reporter (SEAL) EDWARD A TAMM Judge A True Copy TEST: HARRY HULL Clerk By JOHN THOMAS Deputy Clerk iled July 29 1957 HARRYl HULL CJ rir MARTIN MENDELSOHN AttyZ 850 Washington Bldg THE UNITED! STATES DISTRICT COURT OR THE DISTRICT CO LUMBIA Civil Action No 1346 57Ordr of Change of Name) In Application of ARTHUR LAUDUN for change of name Arthur Laudyn having filed a complaint for a judgment changing name to Philip Blit and hav ing applied to Court for an order of publication of the notice required by lew tn such it by the Ctourt this 19th day of July 1957 ORDERED that ah concerned show causK if any there be on or before 19th day of August 1957 why the prayers of said complaint should not be granted: Provided That a copy of this order be published once a week for thref consecutive weeks before said day Jn The Washington Dally News ana Washington Law Reporter l8EAL)Js RN WILKIN True Copy Test: HARRY £lerk DOROTHY BARRICK Deputy Clerk iled July 19 1957 HARRY 1 HULL Clerk NR CEN'SVS Busline Tm home pvls' Gentleman non drinker RE 6 7353 ST Many other 3o cations in city 1750 up room kit chen range refng Apply Acme Rental Oldest largest room rent ers 1011 7th St NW "NA 8 8952 CORCORAN ST rtOSr Colored new nient Rms 85 up DE 2 3179 920 DIVISION AVE NE Colored gentleman LU 716 CAPITOL fit COLORED Turn home like rms privls LI 4 5969 0OHbREi 13O3 Eucfid St NW RESIDENCE Beautiful twin bedrjns everything fur nished incl linens phone service laundry facilities: 830 mo per person'1 Sorry no cookingOO 5 6418 after 6X 723 LORIDA AVE Colored rt bsmt rm home NO 7 19707 1362 HARVARD ST Wm privlNo children DU 7 9808 525 IRVING STN COLORED Rooms 87 Accept child TU 2 6390 1364 KEJiYON ST NJ rms 3 windows nicely turn kit pryls teas colored: HO 2 505 619 MARYLAND AVE newly decor home pryis LI 6 5996 2417 CAPITAL N'E 3bfored Ijge frt A 1 sgle mi kit privl HU 3 9454 rm quiet home home pvls Colored AD 2 059 1 Colored ige frt hn 4Rphonew 2 men or cpl 1 'sml rm for man newly decorated RA 6 4580 Colored Pref sale emp lady home privl conv transp HQ 2 O13i C)16rei tgti rrri with twin beds for ref ladiespr girls RA3 NWColbredt Ie rm wrefHger ator 8 week DU 7 9762 I NWr Coiored sgl Jrt fm person ait pnviB Coo) room's aH convem very reas colored DU 7t15221 SgL JI kit Mftme pinted 16 50 lip LU 3 2258 ft 6 pm Large turn room ti Uvtna rm combined: $30 mo Accept 1 child RA 3 AMBITIOUS WO XIXRED 18 45 Earn while you lea StjNW bet CAMERA MOVIE Pay cash for top quality CULM AN 926 St NW RE 7 2434 fUrn Refrigl clean" cond 1 URN CO St Nr LX 4 1033 840 Up ww 47 viiujOi eAp BUS OIRLS DISHWASHERS 430 up WHITE As COLORED METROPOLITAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY INC ma tJHj iED Giri exper in ironing in rrann ijoine uiun PAPERING Rec rmi int ext deco $3 rating ree est Work guar Reas Call anytime LA 6 5032 or HU 3 5147 Cleaning polishing floors wind ows blinds etc AID JANITOR MAID SERVICE LU 3 0550 day or night loorB SANDKD and finished plai tering Low DK 2 7607 lawn maintenance 6r shrubbing work guar LU 1 4714 ainting interior tncr work Guar ree eat LI 3 6743 AIN'fiGai aerv rates HU 3 3642 ADrTV dec 1st cl Small ar yr round rates Guar 1 wf Iunnsh1 char refs Cecil LU 4 6091 ALLS CHURCH Settled white lady to care for children light house work 5 day wk Live in 820 wkly plus rm References JE 2 6962 Colored live in Long! Island 8180 8200 mo fare A ASSOC 1017 12th St NW ME 8 2190 HSKPR 5 da 845 Prudential Empl Wallach IN HOUSEKEEPER inb days 850 wk: Colored maids for Connecticut: 845 wk ree ticket No reg fee ARBEY AGENCY 3 2465 ENJOY NEW RIENDSHIPS THRU CORRESPONDENCE REE DETAILS JUNE OCTOBER CLUB (Licensed) BOX 303 ARLINGTON 10 VA Home calls eves men only DE 3 9663 NO 7 8473 aft 7 ztr JJASt COVE CAMP in southern on Salt water Camp affiliated Wwith Chevy Chasei Country School iit OrouP leaving this! week OL 2 9873 SroUAkTPMTQ TB7 A Ttf BEAUTY COLLEGE 1210 St NW rVTTPftW irt 323 signing cutting and1 sewing or par V4 write to Leenda 3805 6E A TnXtM11 gentlemen ladies single selected Tues thru Bat 1 7 tn CLARA LANE RE 7 3804 3 ROOMS 815 2 LAST MINUTE MOVING OUR Rprrn aitv Tn noM Moving snd hauling any nwxTrti no rr noirt v4441V IVD 41 irt XiA tf 4 VrtZ Wt ACTION 6 as low as 330 once service NO 7 3135 BOXLEY 6 rms $30 pad ded vans 24 hr service AD 2 8822 ROYALL TRANS As STORAGE CO tow rates fast service AD 2 6248 General hauling Moving daytur NIGHT Nothing too or too 8 Call NO 7 3C43 TRANS Van apt spec large or small jobs reas rates LI 6 2262 3A Local Any time Large or small low rates 8P 3 7405 te small or quick move 24 HILLS LU 1 9500 AP 7 9658 1 ItERSONALS 820 AD4U435d exu 212 New tank with complete" attachments TA9 89J1 VACUUM Electrolux reasT aft 3 RA 6 1451 VACS Elecxrblux' JG Westinghouse wattach 810 2101 Rhode Island Ave DB 2 6772 VIOLIN Good cond reas AD 4 7H4 Bendix 830 LI 3 9414 WASHERS 'USED REBUILT 41969 I up Guaranteed delivered Easy terms fi ACME CO 1011 7th StT NW 1 AtontK tasy Bpmner tion 845 WA 7 fiS47 Auto? from wrlngiL 81750 T225 Penna Ave WASHING MACHINE Bendix auto? very good cond In storage a year 8H 8O 8 4806 ONE WHEEL metal luggage trailer 845 Westinghouse elec roaster and stand 825 RA 3 6068 Wallet brown money valu able papers Liberal reward JU 7 7694 ilm 400 ft roll exposed 16 i mm Kodachrome vicinity Bradley Md Safeway Reward 4 5126 Miniature Brown male white chest black nose tail curled in complete circle Lost Sat at Market at 7th Sts 8 An swers to Owner very ill Liberal reward WAlnut 5 8925 PARAKEET Light talks pet rew OL 2 1822 Light and grey koma vic Rew EX 3 0231 days fitAMrak Sealpoint vicZ Utah i and Nebraska Ares: about to have I kittens reward EM 2 3878 You are trained for interest ing and important work You receive full salary while learn ing with increases at frequent intervals You work with friendly people in pleasant sur roundings You'have opportu nities to advance and are eligi ble for many benefits LOST OUND Cameo Jachly heirloom GeorgetownRewkrtfcPE BTM fawn Bucknell Hghts vie chiJdzs pet SO 8 5683 Biamese Run Acree Va pet' Rew JE 4 4930 co*ckER PUP Black female vic? Natl Airport Bat recently hospl talised needs further treatment children grieving Rew 14 5 6700 ext 141174 befl 4:30 Rew OT 4 6389 eve Pawned co*ckerQm black male vicln of The Woodner HO 2 2381 ALLEN LEE HOTEL 3224 BT A dbls 89 wk: up A few pnv showers 81650 up EX 3 2224 ALEXANDRIA Conv master next bath newly turn Empl lady orCGuple New pViv home TE 62)25 ARLINGTON 245 VERNQNSTc White Lge rm 3 Ige closets ceiling fan kit prvl Pref women Cqnv transp' to Pentagon 4s city 'Single 845 JA 5 2524 2 blks bus 'rt next bath Lady JA 7 4291 GEORGIA AVE 56 block bus 'Master bgdroom pvt bath 6s 'shower 850 JU 8 3302 HECHTS HOTEL downtown 810 NW iris water 6c pho tn fm 206 MASS AVE NW White! downtown sgls 8550 870 8850 air 1 ondi tion TV and parking MT 1' blks from car line Lovely room next to bath Home prvls Gentleman pref AP 7r5792 Conv sgl home privileges 835 Board optional LA 6 1720 PAIRAX Attract tiye frt sgh laundry incl LU 2 7I54 8 Bik bus rm "grill A base ment priv ladies LD 1 9106 14 9TH 2 sgleV rmsnexl bath Clean Private hogie BEAGLES AKC 8 12 wks champ stock Reasonable 43128 BOXER puppies fawn flashy shot prospects HE 4 4620 aft 6'p CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES Pufebredlw ks 3803 Oglethorpe St Hyatts Md DOGS in country! rabbTl dogs trained reas JA 7 5735 MANCHESTER 10 wks7 purebred 825 WH 2 5122 MONKEY SQUIRREjYjOUng 6hJ pet Best offer rO 2 6714 THE WASHIN'GTON DAILY NEWS TUESDAY AUGUST 6 HELP MEN I SITUATIONS WANTED BULLETIN BOARD Covell 120 bln e'x cellent condition WH ALCO Chin link pecl 94d ft installed ur JU 8 229S ANOLES Beams Cast Iron Water Pipes Sinks Tubs teas BARRIS AUTO 'VRECKINO ill 8 ot BABY CRIBr BABY CRIR high chair carpet good condition fleas JU 5 7792 BABY CRIB and chifferobe 83b din table and 4 chairs gray mahg mod enr 840 HU 3 8143 BEDRM SUITE Twin clean reas other furor Call aft 8 pm LU 1 2656 BED Hollywoo825: hospital toed comp 860 dek 825 closet 825 ST 3 8546 1 9 fiED sgl 6cjuresser maple desk club chair sofa credensa lamps tables bicytIe RA 6r2873 BOX SPRINGS foanT mattress double reas RE 6 6338 CAMERA All brands equip' leu prices trade years guar BRENNER CO 933 Ave CARPET 25 yas of stair and ball good ond WO 6 1491 CARRIAGE Twinf Hedstrom excel eond best pffer AP 7 7173 EM MIX elec' 2V fiu ft RE 6 7390 CLOTHES and TU 2 4063 Men dlesRA 64422 Eady 20Va32i' slightly worn some new NO 7 9007 DEEP REEZE reas RE 5 8428 DIAMOND Suhtaite wedding set worth 300 will sac for 8150 Call bet 1 4 WA 7 8883 DIN RM Mah JU 9 2370 Voriiado adjusts from 20 32" revc fsible 2 speed HO 2 5140 REEZER Renaife 15 cu ft new cot 1 a price Terms DU 7 7840 UR CAPE Med size black seal practically new 825 TU 2 1512 URN Misc good cond RA 6 1533 URN Some antiques bedrm liVrm tables mirrors SAE RA 6 4422 iHigh baby carriage' end tables chairs beds children's clot hes TU 2 1 484 GLIDER 2 chairs table JU 9 2370 GLIDER 1250 dresser iTmirror fifth bunk beds 81950 NA 8 5939 HEARING Zenith 850 RE 6 7333 HOT JW ATER Nw 30 gai Will jnstaju 88995 AP 7 9124 MAPLE BEDRM 8c living rm red leather 9x12 rug gray wall to wall carpeting porcelain table 2 chair office lurnend tables Orien tal scatter rugs misc items: JU 9 2225 eves between 6 and 9 MATTRESSES ALL SIZBB 8895 EX 3 5235 SQUARE DEAL URN CO MASS A at 5th ST PAPER HANdEHs table and scraper 17 LI 7 9534 ftAlJHOromb AM MTU 2 4063 Gas 4 burners tbl top Magic Chef good cond 825 JA 2 3708 RERIG ERATORfi Used 81950 up Easy credit guar delivered ACME STOVE 1011 7th St NW NA 8 8952 cu ft excel cond 1225 Penna Ave 8 RERIG Ac elec stove excel cond lawn mowerj floor lamp UN 4 5625 RERIO perf 814 95 WSupplv 17th Banning Rd Gray Broadloom 12x15 12x24 9x15 all Rood ccnp 8175 WO 6 5957 SEWING MACH Eec port like new cost 70 sac 40 AD 4 4350 ext 212 SEWING Singer elec con 1 sole'15 Virginia and 2 chairs Queen Anne 15 LO 7 7791 ING EH SEWING MACHINES Three trade consoles in modern cabi net May be purchased at great sav ings Termsaafi low as 8125 a week after minimum down payment Singer Sewing Ccnter 3421 Connecti cut Ave EM 3 4244 SOA EED Simmons reas EM 3 9352 Beau cond JA 8 3828 SOA sac LI 3 1209 SOA BED Modern chair best ol fer SP 3 6854 MR receiver mo bile unit amateur band JE" 4206 list at lowest possible rate LI 3 2981 table model guar 82950 921 St LI 7 0310 TV PIC TqBESrSETS Pic tubes new fl gtd 3 yrg install REE 21 RCA 869: lln49 others 25 yr guar DUPONT 1515 17th St NW AD 4 9636 10 a to 10 daily Sun USED $60 Written Guar With Every TV Onen 9 a to 9 pm 651 PENNA AVE 2010 14TH ST 92! ST 825 up Your choic new or rebuilt i No money fin 81wek demorstraMon and 'free typing XM 3 9535 NOW 35 Ton 1 3 ST RL 1 August iDce 8200 8500 stocking Ext £00 for appoin The Washington Daily 1013 13th St 1 nftrt license LI 6 701 1 COOKS COOKS OUNTAIN and COUNTER GIRLS exp MAIDS live in) la 1 jt rg 8 vpbkBOCIAL pj 5 tl kt I in Tfti ti gl 1 1 st I 4 I OH jg 7 lib MODERN TRADING fn cul ture all taught approved for GT training day and evening classes WARLYNN BEAUTY OOL LEGE 1 2 1 0 St NW DI 7 1762 OICE HELP NEEDED ENROLL OR SEPT CLASSES Typing Shorthand Complete Secre tarial Clerk Typist Civil Day and eve classes employment service ST 3 3671 Cal) Miss Day NATIONAL BUSINESS SCHOOL 911 Pl Victor Bldg COLORED Typing ABC Shorthand Card Punch Business Courses Open all summer Day and Evenings Prepare for Civil Service Air Conditioned Class Rooms AT LANTIC BUSINESS COLLEGE 930 ST NW ST 3 9360 LEARN TYPING AND ENG LISH from experts at modern air con ditioned TEMPLE SCHOOL 1339 St NW NA 8 4632 MEN AUTO SALESMEN (3) Highest pay plan on East Coast for exper new car salesmen bonus plan 2 of our men made over 82000 last mo Call Mr Gately or Mr Caldwell at OL 6 7100 DIVVER MOTOR CO 7730 Old Georgetown Rd: Bethesda Md JANITOR Colored for garden type apt Must be honest sober nard work er also good HE 4 5000 QUEBEC ARMS APTS Quebec and 14tn Ave Hyattsville Md CAB DRIVERS (Colored) Cab rentals' from 83 day and up If you do not an XD card attend our taxi school TAN TOP CAB CO CRYSTAL CAB CO ACME CAB CO 1731 Kalorama Rd NW DU 7 8800 COOKS St 8 COOKS 840 up Dishwashers Bus Bovs Porters 840 up Drivers Stock 850 up Grill 6s Countermen $50 up WHITE COLORED METROPOLITAN EMPLOYMENT AGENCY INC 904 10th Bi NW Near Ave NA 0 1393 COUNTERMAN EXPERIENCED OR Kosher Delicatessen APPLY IN PERSON DELICATESSEN 7822 Eastern Ave NW COLORED If your present job has limita tions for personal and financial growth this could your op portunity to in Meat 1 oenty on Success A national organization the largest in its field has an opening in sales for the right man SALARY AND COMMISSION CALL MR MOORS RE 1 8600 Bet 9 11 Circulation Manager YOUNG MAN over 21 with car to work in home delivery Circulation Depart ment of The Washington Daily News Territory already established Good weekly salary to start Bonus plan car allowance paid vacation group hospitalization and life insurance avail able Immediate openings for "residents of Congress Heights SE MacArthur Boulevard Glen Echo and Mas'hu setts Avenue section SEE MR HOCKETT THE WASHINGTON DAILY NEWS 1013 13th STREET NW LOOR CAPTAIN Exper mature for famous Washington Restaurant Call NA 8 1448 between 9 St 6 INSURANCE Colored full part time will train LI 4 5940 PLASTERERS (25) needed immed 1st class mechanics only Cail WE 5 6834 or WE 5 6956 after A and all LE COLORED Experience preferred but not neces sary 741 7th St 9:30 10:30 a TESTER EXPERIENCED in assembly and testing of Electro Mechanical Instruments PERMANENT COMMERCIAL JOB COMPANY BENEITS Apply 8:30 to 5 Mon day thru riday or appoint ment call LO 4 0122 WEINSCHEL Engineering Co KENSINGTON MD.

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The Washington Daily News from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Views: 5794

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.