Android: My chart is not displayed correctly (2024)

To display the chart in our Android app, we use the Android System WebView or the browser that is installed on the mobile device by default.

If the chart is not displayed or any functions on it do not work, it’s most likely that you are using old versions of these apps on your device.

See Also

To solve this problem, you need to follow these steps:

1. Update Android System WebView (if possible).

2. Update the system browser on your device, as well as the Google Chrome browser.

3. Completely turn off TradingView and turn it back on.

Android: My chart is not displayed correctly (2024)


Why does my TradingView chart look different? ›

The discrepancies are due to the fact that our data provider filters the odd lots trades out in the history, and as a result, our intraday charts are built based on the full trades only. An odd lot is an order size for a security that is less than the normal unit of trade for that particular asset.

Why is the TradingView chart not working? ›

If the chart is not displayed or any functions on it do not work, it's most likely that you are using old versions of these apps on your device. To solve this problem, you need to follow these steps: 1. Update Android System WebView (if possible).

How do I change my chart in TradingView? ›

1. To easily change the style of your chart on TradingView, navigate to the top left-hand corner of a chart and left click the “chart styles” button. This will allow you to change your chart to the various types supported by TradingView.

How can you change the chart? ›

On the Design tab, in the Type group, click Change Chart Type. In the Change Chart Type dialog box, click a chart type that you want to use.

How do you modify a chart? ›

Right-click your chart, and then choose Select Data. In the Legend Entries (Series) box, click the series you want to change. Click Edit, make your changes, and click OK. Changes you make may break links to the source data on the worksheet.

How to reset TradingView chart on mobile? ›

The easiest thing you can do to reset your charts back to how they were, is to just use the undo button. It's located at the top middle of the chart and looks like a back button pointing to the left. Using this will typically fix whatever change you made and if not, try clicking it a few more times to see if it helps.

How do you fix your TradingView chart? ›

To reset the best TradingView chart settings right-click your mouse and you will see the first option is “Reset Chart”, just click on this and your chart will reload with the original settings.

How do you restore connection in TradingView? ›

If you'd like to reconnect and save drawings or other changes in your chart layout just click "Restore connection" and then save the layout. Please note that restoring the current connection when the maximum connections limit has already been exceeded will terminate the connection in another tab.

How do I sync my TradingView charts? ›

Enable Symbol sync, Interval sync, or both. Add the necessary charts to the group by marking them with an emoji in the Status line or Series context menu: click the Chart Syncing button and select an emoji from the list. Charts marked with the same emoji will be synchronized by the parameters selected in step 2.

Where are chart settings on TradingView? ›

Chart Settings – The investor can use the Chart Settings configuration icon to the upper right of the chart window to adjust color and other display features. Note the Symbol icon is highlighted upon opening and the default colors are displayed for Body, Borders, Wick and Last Price Line.

How to make TradingView chart fit screen? ›

To resize a chart, just drag one of its sides. Double-clicking on any of the chart borders returns it to its default state. You can also move several chart borders at the same time. To do this, hold down the Shift key while dragging.

How do I change my TradingView widget? ›

Customize Widget

Once you've selected a widget, you will need to customize it (Click 'Get Widget' on TradingView). Configure the on-screen widget options within TradingView. Once you're done click 'Apply'.

How do you reset the chart area to match the chart style? ›

To use the document theme colors instead of the chart template colors, right-click the chart area, and then click Reset to Match Style.

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.